Position Of baby..


Jan 7, 2009
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Does everone know where abouts there baby is lying?

I have to clue where mine is. He was upside down and i was getting kicks high but he has moved and the kicks feel like there inside low down. I assume he still has lots of room to move around in but i'd like to know which way he is. Since i've been eating little and often he hasn't been as kicky though he usually moves about when i'm asleep so i miss it unless i'm up late. I have a doppler so i know he is fine but i still worry...
Unfortunately I know exactly which way my baby is lying.........the wrong way up :wink:

His head is agony tucked very tightly under my ribs, and he kicks me non stop in the cervix, and very very low down, especially as he is now fully engaged!

MW's dont normally start taking any real notice of position until about 34 weeks!
Have you been able to feel baby the whole time?

I had a belly before so i'm thinking he has so much room to move around. Is there anyway to tell where baby is? Might call a search party :lol:
Lawra said:
Have you been able to feel baby the whole time?

I had a belly before so i'm thinking he has so much room to move around. Is there anyway to tell where baby is? Might call a search party :lol:

I was always a little confused as I see 2 MW's (pot luck which one I see), and both have been telling me since about 25 weeks that my baby was head down.......I just couldnt understand why I was getting so much movement very low down and nothing higher up. When I had to go for a growth scan at 32 weeks it was confirmed that my bubs is in fact breech......made a lot more sense as I have felt a lot of discomfort in my ribs, which I now know is his head, and explains all the low down movement.

Its not easy to figure it out, and even midwives get it wrong........have you had a look at the Spinning Babies website, and their belly maps!

Where do you feel most of your babies movement??

Ask your midwife next time you see her to tell you where she can feel the head etc!
yes, and i have been able to for a while now. he is currently head down, with his back to my left side. quite a way back in my belly.

My scan today showed he is still all squished up though. his feet where still quite close up to his face and im sure by this point alice had her feet under my ribs :think:
I really couldn't work out which way my baby was lying. I get lots of kicks to the side, high up and I get a big lump poking out the other side which the MW says is his bum. I get small movements down near my hips, think they might be his little hands.

But, I really didn't know that he was head down until they told me. He has been in that position since about 28 weeks.

Not sure if there is any way to tell for sure how they are lying. xx
When i last saw midwife she said his head was down and i was getting kick high up, I liked that as i knew where he was. Now i get a few kicks low but feels like it on the inside somewhere very hard to place. I think he just a wiggler and maybe his back is facing out

Just having a look on that site maybe i can place him with it. Maybe further along i will know where he is. :)

Must be nice knowing where they are even if its uncomfy? poor little squished guys :(
It is nice when you know where they are, I keep wondering how much of my LOs head is engaged. How nice would it be to have a scanner at home, just to check! The bigger they get the more you can notice body parts, I can feel his little feet sticking out. It can be really sore, but that must mean that he's getting stronger. Maybe your LO does have his back facing out, then the kick would feel different. x
Aw i just need to be patient it's amazing how they do there own thing :lol:

I'm so happy i have the doppler otherwise i'd be worried, in the future they will probally be able to see them!

Thats so cute you can see his bum poking out. I thought i was getting kicks, but in my 20 week scan thats where he's head was, so was being butted! :D

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