Poo fear... Still


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2013
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My lg is 3.
We toilet trained her in march as she really seemed ready.
She took to it straight away but not poo.
She was three a few days ago and she still waits until she has a pull up on at night to do it. She gets distressed in the day about doung it and although she knows what to do and where she should do it she point blank refuses and wont tell me why.
Any ideas of what might help or any reassurance at all?
Should i do more than hope it will just happen?
We've been having the same issue! Except my little man doesn't wait for nappies he just does it in his trousers/shorts.... When he refuses to wear pants, this is a nightmare!

I haven't really got any helpful advice, because all that I've been given is about watching him for when he's doing one, putting the poop from the floor into his potty so he sees that's where it should be. We have had 2 poos in the potty today and yesterday though! (This mornings started on the carpet mind, then he moved to the potty of his own accord!).

The advice I've heard the most is just that they'll do it when they're ready, but I know that's infuriating. She WILL get there. How close are you to night training? I wonder if, nappy option removed altogether, she'll start??
It is really frustrating isnt it! Sounds if your boy is starting to turn a corner though hopefully.
Shes occasionally dry at night but not always. She has traumatic days where she is really frightened of doing it and holds it in.
Maybe starting nursery will help her, who knows!
My little boy is 4 in a couple of weeks and we toilet trained when he turned 3. We still have issues with him doing poo's, he waits til he has nighttime pants (pull up) on. The HV I saw recently said to try and encourage him on the toilet/potty. Is to catch him when he needs to go and get him to blow bubbles whilst sat on the toilet. Apparently they can't keep the anal sphincter closed whilst blowing so they poo without being able to stop it. We are making slow progress with this and had a few poos on the toilet but he still waits til bedtime sometimes too xx
Kanga thank you for this i will try any tips at all.
By bubbles, do you mean raspberries or blowing into the wand to make bubbles with solution?
Sorry to appear thick!! Xx
We do bubble wand with mixture. He has so much fun doing it too and I limit it to just on the toilet too so he knows he gets to blow bubbles when he sits on the toilet xx
My LO is the same, this week we are trying something new as recommended by my childminder. If the poo is solid enough, start emptying the nappy and flushing it down the toilet. I have tried it a couple of times and she just holds her nose saying its yukky but we will keep trying, the childminder says once she is used to flushing it, it's a natural progression to sit on toilet and do it but we will see!
What a good idea! Definitely going to try this and the bubbles is really good to! But if you put the poop down the loo after taking it out of the nappy won't they think it is"the right thing to do"? Even though I would explain. We are going to try potty training in 2 weeks when we go camping as he can run round all day and no accidents can really happen. LM loves to sit on the loo but doesn't do anything yet. I encourage him and just wait for the day something happens! He also does a poop THEN asks to sit on the loo. I keep trying to explain he needs to tell me before but he doesn't quite get that. Maybe that with putting the poop down the loo will help!
My little one is 3 in July, we started potty training a couple of weeks ago and intifallyvhe had poo fear however what we found is that he prefers to poo on the toilet rather than the potty. I've got him a toilet seat with the ladder on so he can basically just go himself if he needs to. We found using these and also although this sounds gross when we put the toilet wipes/paper down the toilet he thinks it's playing hide and seek. He thinks it's so funny. We make a big fuss, high five and he gets a treat when he does one (chocolate button usually). He also flushes the toilet and says bye bye wee wee or poo poo. I know it might sound weird but we found it worked for us.
We only used the potty for the first few days and went straight onto the toilet.
Ive literally tried EVERYTHING.
She knows exactly what she should do but changes the subject whenever we mention sitting on the toilet to do a poo.
All day she scared and goes on about having a poo stuck in her bottom and is really upset and waits until night time and does it in her sleep.
There really isnt anything i havent tried i dont think.
Im at my wits end!
My LO won't entertain it and will hold it all day to do it in her night time nappy. We've tried everything to get her to try but no. So we have decided to give up trying for a while and we guess she will do it when she is ready. She turned 3 last week and has used the toilet for about 6 months now. She just cried if we mentioned it. We have started to flush the poo from her nappy down the toilet which she watches but we don't talk about her doing it on the potty/toilet
I started potty training 2 weeks ago and having similar issues with doing a poo. He just turned 3. I'm not sure what to do. He's holding it in and doing it in his pants every 2 days. When he was in nappies he pooed once a day every day. He used to always say 'let's play hide and seek' then go and hide and do a poo. It was his routine. Now he doesn't know what to do and I hate that he holds it in. Sorry no advice but rest assured you're not alone!
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Today i am so happy, finally shes done a poo on the toilet, no prompting or persuading, she just got on and did it after telling me she needed a wee. Really hoping this is the way forward!!

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