Poll (sort of) about when you saw your midwife


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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How far along were you when you first got to see a midwife? I still don't have one (as I keep complaining about here), and I am sure it is long overdue, but I don't know what is normal.
I first saw my midwife at 9 weeks, which was my booking in appointment
Usually they don't see you before 8 weeks as there is nothing much to do. Booking in seems to take places from 8-12 weeks depending on your area, though some are happy to book in a bit earlier and others later.

As my GP explained it to me, (and while it might sound a little harsh I can understand the thinking) the reason they didn't tend to book in earlier is due to the fact that because of the chace of MC in early weeks and the fact there is nothing to be done in the early stages, they tend to wait till a woman is at least 8 weeks along. As it then stands there are no bloods or anything taken till a few weeks later, so its usually all paperwork in that first appointment. My GP said that until my booking in, just to carry on a normal, take folic acid and that was it. Which I was doing anyways :lol:
i have my booking in appointment on the 20th feb and il be 9 and a half weeks then. my Dr did say they like you to be around or over 8 weeks pregnanct for the booking in app
I saw mine at 9 weeks and all she wanted to know is what hospital i wanted to go to, then told me they would take care of everything for me.
Hm. These are the answers I expected, and as I am probably at least 12 weeks, if not more (and they do know that), then I feel really cheated! I have so many questions, not to mention worries! I want my blood checked because I have bad PCOs, which means there is a greater risk of complications, and I just want to know for sure how far along I am. Thanks for the answers. I feel so powerless. The GP said it is out of their hands, so I am in limbo until further notice.
I have mine on wednesday the 23rd January...I will be just over 9 weeks then....

12 weeks does seem awful late to me!
Lianatoot said:
12 weeks does seem awful late to me!

I know! And I feel really cheated! Sorry I sound like a broken record today about it, but it's bothering me more now than before.
I first saw my midwife at 7 weeks and am having my proper long booking in appointment at my house when I'm 8 weeks.

Have they said when you are likely to receive your appointment moss? Maybe you could book it yourself?
Is your MW via your GP's surgery or your hospital? I know in Scotland they often seem to do things very differently.

Find out and if its the local hospital get on the phone and start asking them where your booking in appointment is. Nothing wrong with being proactive and chasing them for it. Same thing if its via your GP.

I booked my own 20 week scan as my MW cancelled my 16 week appointment and was then away for 2 weeks. When I next saw her at 19 weeks she asked about my 20 week scan and I told her I'd sorted it and she was pleased and said it was not a problem women do that, at least in her books.
I will be seeing the midwife at my GP surgery, but when I asked the GP about the delay he kind of brushed me off. I will call the hospital soon, but I can only call from work, and my manager, in the office next door, doesn't know yet!
I saw my midwife for the first time yesterday, at 11 weeks. Had my urine checked for diabetes/protein (or something like that) and had a bunch of questions about my health history/family health history and she took my BP, asked height and weight.

She was really nice and I never had to do anything to schedule the appointment, all I did was tell my GP at 4 weeks that I was pg and everything went from there. I've got blood tests tomorrow and scan on Thurs.

Hope everything works out for you, it's kind of scary in the first bit where you don't know what's going on.
moss said:
I will be seeing the midwife at my GP surgery, but when I asked the GP about the delay he kind of brushed me off.

Just stop in the surgery and ask if you can book an appointment with the MW. Your GP doesn't really get involved in anything with the MW. The receptionist there should be fine to book you in. If its the MW that is supposed to contact you and arrange a time, then give your number to the receptionist and get her to tell the MW to call you as you want to book in asap. If you don't hear anything, keep on at them a bit.

My new MW here is very different from my old one. Previous MW I could book my own appointments via the front desk, this new one calls me to arrange everything and makes the next appiontment when I go see her each time.
I found out at 5 weeks, told my gp at 7 weeks, had my scan at 12 weeks and then booking appointment with the midwife at 13weeks.
9 weeks (just a booking-in appointment)

13 weeks (bloods and discussion of hospital etc)

24 weeks (basic checkup)

Then I'll see her again at 28 (bloods), 32, 36, 38, 40.

I think.
I saw my Midwife for the first time at 12 half weeks
I will see her for the second time at 24 weeks
Im 22 weeks now
you really dont see them much till close to the end
Well here anyway
9 weeks- early pregnancy class (pointless just telling me not to smoke, drink and to take folic acid)
11weeks- scan
12 weeks- booking in appointment
15 weeks- bloods taken
20 weeks- scan
24 weeks- another midwife appointment

i personally really dislike the midwives we have but i know some of the girls on here have wonderful midwives.
Doesnt seem rigth that some people have to wait to long for anything from them
Clare x
told the doctor at 7 weeks

will be about 12 and 1/2 when i see the midwife for the first time and probably 14/16 weeks before i get my one and only scan on the NHS

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