PND or sleep deprivation?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2012
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I've been feeling really exhausted the last few days and starting to get tearful. Evan will only wake once or twice in the night and settle quickly after feeding and changing, but I can't get back to sleep for ages. I try napping when he does but it takes me so long to get to sleep that by the time I do he is awake again. I'm bf so I have to do the night feeds as I'd rather not introduce a bottle if I can help it - also DH isn't great about waking in the night and he works.

We live with my parents who are great for support and having Evan while I eat/shower and while DH is at work.

Today Evan has been really playing up. I'm not sure whether it is because he has a cold or not. He has refused to feed, will not be calmed by me and I just feel I don't want to be near him as I am no good for him. I KNOW this is irrational.

I have had depression in the past and am well aware of the symptoms. I have also had trouble sleeping in the past, but this improved while pregnant.

I know it's still early days, and I have felt relatively ok up to now so not sure if I am blowing everything out of proportion. I just feel so useless and upset :(
Aww big hugs first of all Hun xx I felt like this for 8 months, I suffered with palpitations and was adamant Harry hated me as he always seemed more settled with his daddy. Going back to work helped me but there are still underlying feelings there which I never dealt with :-( I would recommend speaking to your HV or GP, even if it is sleep deprivation it might make things clearer in your head xxx
Oh hun, sleep deprivation can do funny things to you. With my first, i was the same as ur describing....she would sleep and i would take so long to fall asleep, that when i did, she would be up again...i felt like i was going crazy. I became stressed, and in turn it rubbed off on baby and she was a stressy baby. Its hard, its like a vicious cycle. Speak to your HV, just for a bit of reassurance. Im sure your doing a wonderful job as a mummy. And im sure that you cant think straight at the moment because you're so sleep deprived. Try to relax when you can, and just keep reminding yourself that you're doing great. Hope things get easier soon xx
Thanks both, having had depression and all the therapies including CBT I am very aware of how my mind works but still working on controlling the negatives. I feel better today, but last night was so tough. I make it harder on myself sometimes xx
:-( feeling exactly the same Hun and my LO is 6 months. Mine seems to come in bouts and now I've had three nights running where I've had 2 hours sleep as I just can't get back to sleep when he wakes up.

I seem to have 101 reasons that I can't sleep.....too hot, baby fidgeting in his sleep, OH snoring, dog pattering about in the kitchen, not able to sleep as I think baby will wake up again soon. .....

I have been teary too, spoke to health visitor and she reassured me that it is totally normal and when baby sorts his sleep out and I adjust then ill be better?

Maybe speak to your health visitor too? I'm hoping that ill be able to sleep tonight as I'm getting grumpy. Lots if hugs though. It's bloody hard!
Not sure if it'll help but I've always struggled getting to sleep, and more so after having Harry (and that was 14 months ago).

What I found to help was listening to the radio on my phone (on the headphones) when I've been woken, or can't get to sleep

I go on I player and listen to things on radio 4- documentaries or anything with people talking, as I find just listening stops my mind from going into overdrive and let's me relax

I always drop off before I get to the end of the programme. I just put the earphone in one ear though so I can still hear the monitor xx
I dread being alone with my son because when he cries and I cant settle him I cry too i feel emotionally drained at times especially since my husband has gone back to work, ive realised now ut just takes time to get to know eachother and settle in. I stayed at my mums house and shetook the bsby overnight so I ccould sleep best thing ive done and j feel so much better for it, but I could deffinately feel myself getting depressed and very down with lack of sleep and lack if confidence but getting there now, if yoyre feelung low deffinately talk about it telm people how you feel
I spoke to the HV today who is sending out some questionnaires for me to self diagnose.
Goid woman always talk to people things will fet better, I feel so much better these days my mood was getting so low what a difference a few weeks have made, were always here if you need someone, being mummy is really hard work butbwe will get there xx

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