Please someone reassure me!


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2013
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I had my baby girl on Monday afternoon, my first choice was to breast feed but I really didn't get along with it. This morning after speaking to the midwife and being reassured I could change if I wanted to I sent oh out to get bottles and formula (already had steriliser) it took a while for her to start feeding with the first bottle and only had 20ml. Is this ok?! I'm going to see how she feeds on the next one but she's not been a very good at feeding since I had her. Just really worried. She's had wet nappies and pooey ones so there's defiantly stuff going I just feel like she's not getting enough :( x
Hun, babies have tiny stomachs, thats why your milk doesnt come in straight away. First its colostrum and not big quantities. She wont take much in the beginning

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Word of advice - make sure you are ok with switching as there is likely no way back. I know a few ladies who regretted not seeking help and giving up.

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Ring your MW and see if there are any breast feeding support groups!

I had a breast feeding coordinator come out to me when James was 2 days and again when he was 5 days. There may be something like that available for you?

Ideally we should all breastfeed but I stopped after 3 days (I did express for 6 weeks and combi-feed until James was about 9 weeks)

For me the day I started combi-feeding was the day I started enjoying being a Mummy BUT I do have regrets that I didn't persevere more with BF'ing

I agree with the others about getting some advice/support re: breastfeeding, especially if it was something you really wanted to do.

Regarding the 20ml - my LO drank tiny amounts to start with. She was tube fed in the hospital and literally was having her milk upped by 1ml or so per day for a while. When we brought her home we would make up 30ml and she wouldn't always drink it all. As long as they're feeding regularly, pooping and wetting their nappies and look healthy, I don't think there's a problem. My LO has always been a small eater, probably because she was so small at birth. Even now it's difficult to get a lot down her and we definitely know she's had enough (sleeps through the night etc.).
Hi Hun, I too started to enjoy being a mummy once Mia went on a bottle but we had reflux problems which made feeding very difficult. Like the others said make sure it is def what you want to do tho but don't feel guilty about stopping. Mia is no different health wise to any of my friends babies who have breastfed.
With regards to amount, I'm pretty sure Mia only had about 2oz at a time in the beginning. But she was two weeks old by the time i gave up brestfeeding so ahe could prob take more milk. Once they drain what you are giving them on a regular basis you then up the amount. I think I did an oz each time. Don't worry they will take what they need, they won't let themselves go hungry. Xx
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Hiya hun. If you think bottles are way to go then do it. I wish I gave up on BF and went to bottles sooner as it coursed both me and LO so much distress and pain trying to continue.

Bottle feeding was best thing I did and even tho I get judged when out I know it was the best for my LO so don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
They will feed very little and very oftern at first. Also depends on the size of your baby as Katie still takes no more than 5oz a feed now but her cousin who is 2 weeks older has no problem with 8oz feeds!
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My wee one was born last Wed and I breast fed for 5 days and it was just too much. Overwhelming, sore and a stress. In terms of the formula take it as your wee one wants to start as they will be getting used to it. My boy got used to it quickly and is now taking maybe 80ml but thats after 4 days. It will build up.
Happy mummy = happy baby. Don't let anyone make you doubt your decision on how to feed your baby! I think it's drilled into us to breastfeed but isn't the mother being happy more important in the long run seeing as that affects the baby so much as well xx
When Cay was first born, I was syringe feeding 1ml expressed colostrum.

When first born, their stomachs are approximately the size of a walnut, so it really doesn't take much to fill them xx
I must have given birth to a piglet then, his very first feed he drained the full 90ml bottle and then slept for 12 hours without a feed! They are all very different, don't worry xx

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Thankyou everyone! I am so much happier with how things are going now, she's doing really well on her bottles apart from the first night she was on them she was up every hour wanting food or a cuddle. She has about 50-70ml at a time and feeds every 2-3-4 hours depending how much she's had. Phew, really put my mind at ease! Xx
So glad she's doing better hun.
Healthy happy baby is the main thing at the end of the day :)
if you change your mind you can always re-lactate. But I would maybe pump a few times a day just to keep something there until you are sure. once you have recovered from the birth and caught up on some sleep and basically have our strength back you may well with you never stopped with the breast feeding.

you can also get some tablets from the doctor to get your milk back, months after giving birth. xx

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