PLEASE PLEASE scared its another miscarriage =[


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2007
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took a preg test yesterday but it was neg =[ not ttc exactly so cnt b 2 sad but mostly confused!!

still have all these symptoms though -
had a weird period last month was light and only lasted 4 days n was on and off
feeling sick and was sick this morning and evening
need a wee all the time and went just about every hour today
boobs hurt every now and again
butterflies in my stomach every now and again especially wen i lie down
sore back and cramps sometimes
my cervix is really high and soft lol
wee smells weird and so does my discharge lol thats about know what to think!!

but just this afternoon iv been spotting, not very much but enough! anyone know what this can be?? period not due for another week n a bit so cnt be that! any advice or ideas?? pregnant?? miscarriage?? HELP!! am scared incaes its a m/c again because i had one in july and although it wasnt like this i am scared! although i think its nothing and im impatient so if im preg i wanna no! lol! HELP thanks xxxx
Hi there

Firstly don't panic!!!!!!!

When is your af due?
Sorry I have just read that your period is not due for another week and a bit so I would definately rule out another m/c for the time being.

It sounds to me like you are ovulating........ the spotting could be from ovulation or in fact inplantation spotting.

If your cervix is high and soft this would indicate from what I understand that you are fertile at the moment which would indicate ov again

also the other symptoms that you describe could also point to ovulation so I would hazard a guess that this is what is going on...................

Keep me up to date

Good Luck

Louise x x
i just panicked because i cnt do that again!! =[
im sure its nothin but i ave 2 check!! never ger this wen i ov so...i dnt no wot it is!! xx

I've answered on the other board but the option above is another one to add to my list I guess.

Take care

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