Please let it be wind...


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2008
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what am i like...ive been fine for weeks and now the worry has set in again. been getting cramps, now im sure its to do with my bowels cuz im constipated one minute then happily going every day for a week and then the cycle starts again. i just really wanna do a really good FART to put my mind at ease, why is it so hard to figure out where the pain is coming from :(

on another note, i cant believe the time :shock: ive been going to bed at 9 pm cuz ive been so tired!!!
aww hun poor you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: have you thought about getting on all fours and wriggling your bum to help ease the wind also when your constipated move your body forwards and backwards to help ease it out (soz tmi) it helps for me as i get alful wind and constipation
Hi Dina,

I have those cramps today and I had them on Monday. Ended up going to the docs and everything but it was all fine - I think the same as you, bowel issues (the joys of being preg!)

Have you got a doppler? Having a listen to baby will help you worry less xxxx
Yoga is supposed to make you fart - have you tried that?

I get all sorts of pains, I don't think it helps that all our organs are moving to accomodate the baby. I get 'baby-ache' after I've done too much exercise (just walking - thats the only thing I do)
im sure it is nothing to worry about hun, these babies aren't have making us neurotic though are they!!
I read in pregnancy book that at this time we will probably be getting all sorts of aches and pains in our abdomen as everything is having to be pushed aside to make room for the baby. It's still worrying though, I know.

Can you not have a good sit on the loo and a read for a while and try and get rid of all the built up wind? :think:
lol anna i had to chuckle at the getting on all fours suggestion! lol i think it was wind cuz the pain went after some wind....but now its back. 90% sure its just wind. #

god these babies have alot to answer too!! and they say to try and keep calm during pregnancy....pah!!! whoever said that was clearly a man.

really wanna get a doppler, might have to treat myself next week after pay day.
If your struggling to get a doppler hun I dont mind posting mine out to you for a wee loan :D
aaww pacha thats soo sweet of u to offer, ill hava look online and maybe order one next week if i can find a reasonably priced one, ive heard theyr not very expensive tho. thanks anyway tho hun :)
Have a good fart dina.marie im sure that will solve the problem! :rotfl:
Frog99 said:
Yoga is supposed to make you fart - have you tried that?

It most certainly does (and very embarassing in a class!!!) :oops:

Ok, best yoga posture to make you fart.....lie on your back and bring your knees up to your tummy, grab hold of your knees and gently rock from side to side and then go round in circles. The knees will massage the stomach area and I guarantee it'll make you fart...loudly!! :rotfl:

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