
Active Member
May 28, 2005
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I had a positive result on 2 HPT. I went to the DR. on 5-25, she confirmed (+) result but said it was faint. She sent me to the hospital due to a 1st Trimester Bleed, the did an u/s, which showed NOTHING- no sac- no nothing. I went for blood work, and hCG was detected in my blood also. This could be 1 of 2 things- either I miscarried back at the end of April, or I am only 4 or 5 DAYS pregnant. Does anyone have ANY idea what is wrong with me? I am terrified- I have a 16 mo old daughter, but I have been having a brownish/reddish discharge for 3 days now :( :?:
hi aimee
i hope everything goes well keep us posted !

is the spotting like period or is it only when you wipe ...?
lemme tell u something... i don't know if your's wa like mine...
i had 2 ectopic pregnancy...

1st one ... found out after i was spotting red blood... had pain to my shoulder and lower right side stomach...(sharp pain like needle poking)
i was 6/7 weeks pregnant ... bled for like 5 days like a period (not as much as a period though)i was peeing out a lil blood with it . i had to wear a pad.

2nd one ... thought i had my af but turns out to be another ectopic pg.
i was bleeding like a period for like a week and 2 days then did a pregnancy test it was positive and i knew something was wrong .
but this time blood was different colour. it was brownish black... well that's what it look like on my pad at that time. it was bleeding like i had my period that's why i thought it was af . but my 2nd pregnancy didn't feel any pain or anything... just bleeding like a period with very dark brownish blood...

so i hope it helps you.... if u don't feel or seem to be like me b4 then i think you'll be fine ...
But you know im no doctor! im just telling you from my's always important to get everything checked out!

remember to keep us posted....
Hi there, sorry to hear about your worries!! :(
It sounds to me if you may well be pregnant - however, you'll have to watch out for ectopic pregnancy symptoms. Mention it to you GP if you have sharp pains (apparently more common on your right side).
I had an early scan at 5 weeks and nothing was visible. It was only at my 9 week scan that we could see a tiny little heartbeat. Maybe it's just early days for you too. Don't stress - you might just have to give this a little more time. (even though I know too how very frustrating it can be to wait for results,etc)
Good luck and let me know how you get on.
Kind Regards
Emilia :)
Thanks for your reply! The bleeding started out like spotting, and then it turned into more of a period. I don't have any pain, but I had all kinds of symptoms of pregnancy last month, and they are telling me I'm only 2-5 days pregnant. I will know more tomorrow morning. I have to go for bloodwork before 9am. I'll get my results by 10, and I'll be sure to update on Tuesday morning. Thanks again.
I found out Sunday morning that I miscarried- I am an emotional wreck- does this mean that I will never be able to have kids again? Am I going to have to go through this agony every time? I don't even want to try again- why did I have a perfectly normal first pregnancy- and a healthy child and then all of a sudden I miscarry- I want to die. This is so unfair.
Hi Aimee

I am so sorry to hear what happened on Sunday. I know it seems unfair that your first pregnancy was fine and then this happens but its not your fault and there is nothing you could have done about it, i know it seems horrible but these things just happen sometimes. It does not at all mean that you cannot get pregnant again, wait a couple of months to for your emotions to get as back to normal as possible and then try to conceive. Just look to the future - when you do get pregnant again im sure you will be monitored closely by your midwife to try to prevent you miscarrying again.

Good Luck xxxx
So sorry to hear this happend. You can concieve again. My husbands ex miscarried after they had their daughter. It does happen.

My thoughts are with you


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