Hi I hope you can help me. On the 18 December 2015 I had my nexplanon implant removed ( after having lots of complications e.g prolonged period). On the day of removal I had my period arrive immediately, lasting for 5 days. Since then I had 2 unprotected sex with my boyfriend who pulled out before climaxing (generally his timing have been good in the past). Now however, I have all theses pregnancy symptoms - tiredness, sore back, swollen breast, cramps everywhere, weird feeling in my pelvic area (cramping) and weird taste in my mouth etc. Although I do not trust these symptoms as it's similar to mentuation, nonetheless the key thing that's alarming is my nipples and the surrounding area that have gone big and darker ( which I never experience in my life) not to mention some tingling. What I'm trying to find out is it too soon to be pregnant? What can cause darkness in the nipples other than pregnancy? I'm scared of doing a test. Also I wanted to ask if it does turn out to be pregnancy how does my smoking thus far effect my unborn baby?