Please Help! Scared and Confused


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Nov 30, 2016
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I'm having a pregnancy scare. Here is a detailed summary of whats going on. If any of you have experienced any of this please comment. I don't know if I'm stressing over nothing or if I should take immediate steps to get off all medications etc if I could indeed be pregnant.

I started my period on November 18th.
I had unprotected sex the following day on November 19th (it was light bleeding) and he ejaculated inside of me. My birth control (Implanon) Expired November 21st but I read that sometimes the hormone in it that is released can run out earlier than its expiration date- does anyone know that this is true?
My period ended on November the 24th and then on the 26th I saw really really light pink spotting when I wiped. Ive never had blood that light pink before. It was a VERY little amount. Now its November 30th. I've been EXTREMELY nauseous for the past 4 days. Sometimes sporadically through the day and sometimes right after I eat I feel like I can't keep anything down (no vomiting yet). I've felt little tiny cramps the past two days. I've been extremely fatigued, like...extremely. Yesterday I experienced something I've never had before- a really sensitive clit. It hurt to wipe. I know if I am I'm very very early on but I don't know if I'm crazy or if I really could be pregnant! Something is definitely off.


Also note: I've gotten heavy periods for the past few months on Implanon that are extremely irregular. The period I had prior to the Nov 18th one was just 3 weeks before.
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If you had a period on the 18th and it didn't end until the 24th, you're most likely not pregnant. You wouldn't be fertile during your period anyway. But if you're really that worried, go buy a test and put your mind at ease. You could be feeling the way you are right now because you're ovulating and you're not used to how it feels because you've been on birth control. I get nauseated when I ovulate. Just take a test if you want to and I'd definitely call your doctor and work out a new birth control method if yours isn't good anymore. You're alright, no worries! x
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If you had a period on the 18th and it didn't end until the 24th, you're most likely not pregnant. You wouldn't be fertile during your period anyway. But if you're really that worried, go buy a test and put your mind at ease. You could be feeling the way you are right now because you're ovulating and you're not used to how it feels because you've been on birth control. I get nauseated when I ovulate. Just take a test if you want to and I'd definitely call your doctor and work out a new birth control method if yours isn't good anymore. You're alright, no worries! x
Thank you for your fast response! But one can indeed get pregnant on their period. Thats one why I'm concerned. My period was spotting until the 20th when it became heavy. Sperm can live in the body for 3-5 days.
You're most likely not pregnant. My friend said she had gotten some weird symptoms after implanon expired
Sperm can indeed live for up to 5 days but the chances of you ovulating that soon are very slim, it would usually be around 14 days after your period starts...also the first day of your period is classed as the first day of full flow, spotting doesn't count as the first day of your period. I would say you are most likely not pregnant, it would also be way too soon to experience nausea related to pregnancy 8 days after your period started.
Sperm can indeed live for up to 5 days but the chances of you ovulating that soon are very slim, it would usually be around 14 days after your period starts...also the first day of your period is classed as the first day of full flow, spotting doesn't count as the first day of your period. I would say you are most likely not pregnant, it would also be way too soon to experience nausea related to pregnancy 8 days after your period started.

I've read online its very possible if your periods are irregular (mine are very very irregular) and the nausea began 3 days after my period ended, a day or two after the pink spotting. and has gotten worse every day since. I'm trying not to psych myself out but my body is different. I can just feel that something is off.
Periods on birth control are not true periods as you dont have a true cycle on hormonal contraceptives. Any information about irregular periods or cycle length is fairly useless in your case. Of course pretty much anyone having sex can get pregnant, no birth control is 100% but nothing about what you say really suggests that you are pregnant. Regardless of when your period was when/if you ovulated going by when you had sex the most you could have been pregnant when you started feeling very sick is 7 days and it is extremely unlikely to be caused by pregnancy so early, unless perhaps you are pregnant with triplets ;). It seems more likely you are experiencing some side effects from your implant, or from it wearing off. You might want to get checked by a doctor incase you have a UTI or something.
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When you come off hormonal contraceptives it can throw your body and you will experience all sorts, yes it is probably possible in a very small number of cases but highly unlikely, as Bunny N has said your periods aren't true periods anyway


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