Please help am I pregnant ??


Active Member
Feb 5, 2016
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Me and my partner are trying for a baby. I have took 4 tests today, the first 3 were positive however the final test was a clear blue digital & came out negative. Does the first 3 positive tests mean I am pregnant? We are really hoping we are expecting, but the negative test really has put doubt in our mind. If anyone has any advice please do share. Thanks !!


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    18.1 KB · Views: 137
They are definitely positive. Congratulations :)
When was AF due? Clearblues arent as sensitive
There is absolutely no doubting those tests hun. You are most definitely pregnant! :D Ignore the clearblue.

Congratulations!!! :D : D : D
They are definitely positive. Congratulations :)
When was AF due? Clearblues arent as sensitive

I can't be sure due to always being irregular !! This pregnancy malarkey is very confusing. But I can't thank you girls enough for the reassurance. Thank u!!
Wow they're like picture perfect positives. Congratulations to you both!

The clear blues aren't as sensitive so ignore them, celebrate and retry one in a few days time :) xx
Great we are so happy. Just hope it isn't a false positive!! Well apparently it's not as simple as going to the doctors for confirmation anymore! Need to send off urine and wait to hear back. Makes the wait even longer and makes me even more anxious!! But it will all be so worth it in the end ! X
I wouldnt worry about it. The quick you manage to get the appointment the quicker you have your results ....
Donyour Doctors not dip your urine there and then rather and send it? I know most GPs will send bloods away to be tested for pregnancy
Not anymore. I was so shocked. Now urine has to be sent away! Here's to hoping for quick results!!
Hi lauren big far are you? Xx
Hi thank you. Honestly I have no idea. My period started January 4th....that's if it was a period?? . Can anyone help me out and work out dates? X
You would be around 4 weeks, my last period ended on the fourth and I'm 5+2 xx
Based on your last period date you'll be about 4 weeks and due around 10th of October :) good luck with the doctors! Xx
I know I should leave it alone but I can't help it!! Tested again this morning- line has faded and now I'm worrying! Why do I do this to myself !!


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Baaaaa negative urine test at doctors!!!! However positive tests at home. Fingers crossed for blood results!
I've had 7 positives at home between Friday & Saturday they were home bargains tests - they've come from seperate boxes so doubt they could all be faulty. I did 2 clear blue digital both negative but I think that's because I'm early on. Went to the doctors yesterday morning (Saturday) & doctors test was negative. He advised I did another at home this morning... This was the outcome...... Any ideas why it's really faint ? The others were very dark .... I've had no bleeding so don't think it could be chemical? Really worried :(


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    34.7 KB · Views: 64
i'm so sorry!! :'( it looks like it's going to be a mc or chemical .. it's harsh but you'll probably start bleeding within the next few days :(
so sorry for your loss .. they were so clearly positive in the beginning .. did it go this faint in 1 day or 2?

big hugs hun HUGE HUGS :(
I'm so sorry love I had similar. Lots of positives and a 'pregnant' on a CB. Over a week later I felt different and done a few tests and the line was really faint, I knew it was coming. I did start bleeding the next day :( the line has went faint much quicker for you so I think it'll most likely be a chemical. I'm so sorry hun and I hope we're wrong! They were such strong positives too xx
Hello don't know if anyone can help me but I took a preg test on Fri it was a sainsbury blue dye one and I had a faint positive took the next one to be sure and that one was neg myself and my partner are so confused

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