Please don't judge me :(

Mummy to one

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2014
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Hi ladies,

I have been on this forum for a while now so please don't think that what I am about to ask you all I have done light heartedly. My ex partner and I had been together for around 11 years on and off. We both had been trying for a baby and had miscarriages etc and it was devestated.

Recently we broke up because I have had to relocate back to home due to the cost of living in England with a young child.

I am devestated and want to get back with him more than anything. So at the weekend passed we met up. We both are still in love and want to get back together and ended up sleeping together. ( which just happened to be on my ovulation dates).

I then took the levenolle morning after pill pretty much 72 hours or maybe a few hours longer after we had unprotected sex. I did not want to do this and I am so sorry if I offend anyone saying this coz I really didn't want to do it but clearly we are not in a good position at the moment. I know the whole thing was silly but the things you do for love and a massive part of me hope it didn't work.

I have read online that it is only effective up to 72 hours after and even then it's only 58% effective.

Has anyone had any experience with this and still been pregnant? Part of me really really wants it because we have been together so long we're just going through a bad patch.

I am so sorry if I have offended anyone with this post. I do really really want our second child.

Hi! The best thing you can do is wait for af to show. If not test and decide what you can do after :) xx
Thank you for your reply.

Despite I took the morning after pill I know I pretty much took it out with the window you really meant too so I'm doing the normal stupid symptom spot like ave just had dinner and brought it straight back up and my cm seems to be really wet (sorry tmi) which usally only happens before I ovulate not after.

I am only 6dpo and I'm more than 90% sure I'm just being typically looking for things!

C xx
Sorry for not being very helpful. That's what we tend to do when we want something. :) think that is why most of us are here. Xx
There's nothing to be sorry about, I've taken it before when me and hubby wernt in the right situation to bring up a little one and we all have little stumbling blocks. Some times it just isn't the right time.

I can't help you a lot but you're right it's way out the hours that you are supposed to take it for it to have more of a chance for it successfully work. If I recall when I got mine the only thing you can do now if it was over the 72 hr period is go for a coil or wait and see.

Best of luck x
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Me and my husband had a split condom and I took the morning after pill within 12 hours and ended up pregnant with twins so it can happen. Good luck
Thank you so much for your replies everyone and for not judging me. I know so many people are desperate to get pregnant on here and I would love too, unfortunately I guess just now isn't the best time :( xx
I have no advice but I really wish you the best of luck and hope you and your partner can sort things out xxxx
Everyone's situation is different so no one here can judge. I hope you manage to sort things out and become a happy family again :) xx

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