Please calm my nerves!


Oct 11, 2011
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This is positive yes? I'm months late for my period, had implantaton bleeding, nausea etc but still panicking, appointment isn't until next week!



I would say that is a definite yes hun xx
looks gd to me but i would do another brand as those blue dyes are known for faulse possitives just to put ur mind at rest thats all u say ur months late? how many months? i would do a digi myself gd luck xx
I would say a definate yes as we'll. Congrats :) btw can anybody tell me how to upload pics from my iPhone on to here. I can't figure it out. xx
It does look positive to me - but it's quite faint if you haven't had a period for months (assuming that means you'd be a few months pregnant). I'd grab a pink dye brand or even better do a digi :) Good luck x
looks like a BFP! Months late and you've just tested?! My, you have stronger nerves than me! I would have been poas within days of being late!

Congrats! x
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I've been to the hospital for pain and dizziness and their test was negative??
I don't understand. Two hours after getting a positive on a digi you've been to hospital and seen someone and they've told you it's negative?

Yes, I was in a lot of pain and out of hours doctors said to come in. They took a urine sample. And said it was negative. I told her I had my positive tests with me but she wasn't intrested. I don't understand, surely a digi and other tests can't be wrong?
i would just wait a few days and do another test nothing much else u can do i know the doc/hossy tests are not so sensitive but i always thought the digis wernt that sensitive aswel 30mlu i think,what weeks did it say on ur digi?
I agree, wait a few days. Sometimes you can be too far along for it to come up on tests. You mentioned you were months late for your period. How far along do you think you might be? X


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