

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2013
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Hello, any fellow animal lovers want to share photos of their pets?

This is my kitty :) she is quite vain and understands how mirrors work which I think is quite clever for a cat but I am probably just bias!

I can't make the attachments work at the moment but she is my avatar.
Your cat looks awfully like my own! I have two Ragdolls a blue colorpoint and a seal bicolor :love:


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Aww they are beautiful cats! How old are they? Are they related?

Ours is a year old now. She is my fur baby and I think she will be very pleased when I have a baby of my own as she won't get interrupted by being cuddled and stroked as much!
Thank you, I adore Ragdolls! Darcy is three in May and Bailey is two in April- they are related, they have the same dad, but they came from different breeders.

What is your girl called? And have you ever shown her? Darcy is my prize winner here and is at her next show at the end of the month. Bailey has a miss marked leg so I don't tend to take him :)

They are both fantastic with my son and have grown up with him (he's two next week) but they insist on being involved with everything!
Omg these are all such gorgeous cats! Sooo jealous, I'm a massive cat person and wish I could get one but I'm apprehensive to get a new cat just before baby's born in case the cat is upset by it. I just spend my time looking on adoption sites weeping over all the cats I can't have haha xo
I love ragdolls! I'd love to have one or two once my LO's a bit older. Beautiful cats x
Very beautiful cats! I always wanted to have one, but at first my mom didn't let me and now my husband is allergic.
Your pets are adorable!
We have a cat, we both are not allergic, so I suppose our baby can't have a problem like this...
I have two Tabby/Ragdolls and 1 Tabby/Bengal.

Apparently those with cats are at higher risk for a mental illness later in life, I guess with 3 Im fucked, especially with the added stress levels of kids! :lol:

I have two Tabby/Ragdolls and 1 Tabby/Bengal.

Apparently those with cats are at higher risk for a mental illness later in life, I guess with 3 Im fucked, especially with the added stress levels of kids! :lol:


We have two Tonkinese and one Bengal who is 10 months and mental. God help us when I am old then! Haha x
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I mean its certainly doable.

Im on to my second but2 toddlers and 3 cats may be a tad bonkers..

omg, I love pets and I would like to have one but I think I'm too lazy :( Dogs need to go for a walk ect. and I'm afraid I will not have motivation. Any suggestions?
My dream became true when I moved from my parents to the separate house, now I have two amazing cats and I adore them!! :roll: And my OH liked them too from the first time he was in my house :roll:
so cute kitty*__*
also have a cat, but i don't know how to download a photo
My son has 2 guinea pigs, but, as for me, I don't really like them...

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