Periods at 6 weeks post birth!


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
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As title says really, I've got my period even though I'm exclusively breastfeeding. Anyone else get it this soon? Got mild tummy pains (weird to have that again!)
I had my first one at 6 weeks and then every 28 days since...i am still BF...

That's why it shouldn't be relied on as a contraceptive!!!!
you have to bf every 2 to 3 hrs for it to work in told. when lo stretches out the feed it messes it up
I was BF every 1.5 to 2 hours for at least the first three months and then 2 to 3 hours for the next two months....exclusively.
ooh lol, i never rely on anything 100% thank god, im gonna try out the pill i think
Also it feels like my stitches area is stinging again today. Is this period related? Last time I went to docs and said my stitches are still aching, she didn't check me and fobbed me off with- it all hurts down there after birth. The time before I went to her she did check me and I had infection. It makes me feel like I shouldn't ask again as I'll be fobbed off. Maybe I'm worrying too much, but I'd like that area to be healed ASAP!
if you feel there is something wrong then pester them hun, its their job to check you out.
I had some brown bleeding (TMI) at 6 weeks and now again at 9, definitely a period I had the mood swings
I have read others saying periods make stitches ache x
I had first period about 8 weeks after birth and it made that area ache

I was ff tho!
Thread hijacking but I've been taking the pill religiously for a month next week and EBF every 2 hours but I missed my pill on weds and took 2 thurs do u think it's safe to risk??

Thanks for replies, pinky princess -afraid I can't help as not been on pill for years so don't know the risks. X
I had my first period about 6 weeks after birth and I'm exclusively bf. joshua feeds every 3 hours except during the night. But I've not had one since? My doc suggested to keep a record of any periods I may have so got an app on my android phone. Funnily enough the same app that helped me conceive. :)
It's called "my days" and is on the android app market. Not sure about iPhone apps.x
Ooooooooooh so glad for this thread because the exact same thing has just happened to me today - period back and stinging down below around my stitches. Glad this seems to be normal!
My area feels extra sore today so maybe period due or could be tablet I taken for thrush. Seem to remember it getting worse before better last time I took one xx

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