Period Pains at 27+4???


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2007
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Ok so last week I had some braxton hicks and now today I am getting period pains in my lower back, which is where it always affects me.

I have seen another post talking about period pains, but everyone seems to be much further on than I am.

I am not totally convinced they have got my dates right due to only being able to rely on the scan and also some other factors....

I know baby will arrive when it wants to, just a bit concerned at this stage.

Anyone else experienced/ing same or similar at this stage?
I've had period type pains throughout my pregnancy on and off. Never had any BH though. If your worried I would contact your MW or the hospital even if it's just to put your mind at rest. That is what they are there for :hug:
sometimes around the time you would have your period you can get the pains in pregnancy, i had them every month around the time i would be due on, just keep an eye and if you are worried phone your MW but im sure all is well
i bleed (heavy) every couple of days, i have period like pains atleast once a week, and braxton hicks (like 20 a day) every day sinse being about 4 months. (with the braxton hicks i was exactly the same in my last pregnancy)

my babys fine. Its just 'one of them things' apparently.
thanks everyone :hug:

i am feeling really hormonal today as well so its probably just that time again....

just want a cuddle and want to cry into my pillow :cry: :cry:
Since I posted in this thread yesterday..... i've had period pains :shock: My bump feels really heavy too. I wonder of LO is getting his head down a bit :)

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