Period like pains


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2011
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For the last hour i have been having a dull ache in my lower tummy and lower back, it's just constantly there as opposed to cramps. I'm not particularly worried as i know that alot of girls have this but i'm just wondering if anyone knows what it could mean? Is that how labour pains normally start? It's quite uncomfortable xxx
Ive been having achey pains in my groin all day, alternating between sides which are quite similar to period pains. Ive just put them down to stretching :(
Thanks Hunnie
These don't feel like the stretching that i used to get earlier on in the pregnancy. It's like the whole of the bottom bit of my tummy, exactly like how i used to feel before/during my period really!
I've been having a bit of a dull ache on and off for the last few days too and some of my plug went last week. Quite a few people have suggested it could be baby engaging. Obviously if it gets worse or your concerned give the mw a call xx
Ahh ryt, maybe it's just that then. I haven't lost any of my plug or anything tho. Thanks Rach. xxx
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Yeah I only lost a bit, Tiffany had a similar post earlier too about period type pains and I think a few people said there it could be baby engaging. Hope thats all it is :) xx
I've had this recently a few times too. Seems to be once a day atm.xx
Ooooo your my labour buddy *gets phone ready for updates*

In all seriousness I'm sure you ok!!

Yeah I made a thread earlier about this, I feel like I'm about to come on a period, it's that dull ache you get when period is due :( Seems normal though as a lot of girls have it. I think it's our body's/baby preparing for the big day xxx
Still got the dull ache but not overly concerned as it does sound pretty normal. I just went for a wee and it felt like something fell out of my foof, looked down the loo and couldn't really see much, maybe a very small amount of jelly but not sure if i was just thinking it was there! Weird feeling tho!
Spoke to my mum before and she said that both her labours started with period like pains for 24 hours before she stared getting proper contractions!!
I'm sure it's nothing tho, will just keep my eye on it! xxx
Yeah if you do get worried about it though call your midwife, even if just for a bit of reassurance. x

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