**PeaPods labour Thread**


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2012
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6.30am 03/04/14
Ive just woken up and checked my phone to see I missed messages from Debs! Its started!!! Time for me to don my bumpbuddy hat and be here for her for the 2nd time. We went through our first pregnancy together with Daisy Grace and Fraser being born 3 days apart!

Looks like she's managed to convince minipea to come out before induction today so I am sure you will join me in wishing her lots of luck. Its my day off today so im pleased to say she has my full attention (now that I am awake!). Will keep u updated girls.

Come on Debs.......your turn is here at last!!!

6.50am update.
In hospital but only 2-3cm dilated. Being kept in due to them inducing today anyway. Contractions have slowed but shes being monitored. Poor Debs is tired as shes been up since yesterday. Canteen breakfast then a snooze hopefully. So excited to find out what her yellow bump is.

12.30pm Update
Nothing really to update other than shes a bit sore and considering whats next. lunch was coming then she would decide. Poor Debs. Hope its not as long and drawn out as Frasers birth. Come on Mini Pea....Aunty Gayle is sooo excited to meet you!! Xx

UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!! BABY IS HERE!!
Not long since had this text

"Hey hon! After a long, uneventful day with lots of irregular contractions I sent tim home at 4pm as I didnt think anything more would be happening today. I settled down for a nap and woke with an almighty pain and need to have a poo! Had another massive show so called MW to check me and give me more pain relief ( had had cocodamol at lunch time). Well low and behold she checked me, said I was 8cm dilated and whisked me off to the labour suit! I called Tim back urgently and he arrived to me at 5ish and Wendy Susan was born at 17:21 weighing an amazing 9lb 5oz! All naturally with gas and air and only a small tear! So chuffed with myself and my beautiful daughter! Pic to follow soon! Thank you for being a fab friend and bump buddy!XxX"

So proud of my lovely friend. She's done it in the end and seems quite fast after all that waiting! So happy to hear both Debbie and Wendy are safe and well.

Please join me in saying a massive congratulations to the Pea family.

Its been a pleasure to be part of the journey again and I wish them a life time of love, light and happiness. Xxxxxxxx

Ps.....im hanging up my bump buddy/pf duties now!
Good luck! I hope you have your bundle soon. Xx
Yay! So glad its all kicked off for her before induction! Good luck hun xxx
Good luck :) looks like you were right early hours this morning :) x
so glad things are finally happening! hopefully no induction intervention will be needed now things are starting naturally.......good luck hope all goes well!
Yay good luck peapod!! X x

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