Party/Loot Bag Fillers


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2006
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What would you put in a party/loot bag for a child's first birthday party? All the children will be coming up to 1, or just turned one so VERY similar ages.

I've already thought I'd pop a packet of bubbles in there with a chocolate bar and have ordered personalised dummies so each child that's coming has one with their own name or message printed on, and I think I'll be getting dummy clips made up with their names too but what else would you put in them? I'd really like at least 6 items I suppose so the bag kinda fills out a bit and that's only 4 so far.

Any ideas? Must be suitable for 1 year olds.
Hey Nicola,

Just my personal opinion, but I wouldn't put a chocolate bar in there. If you want to put some kind of food, how about a packet of raisins or Organix mini rusks/crisps. I also wouldn't put in a dummy or dummy holder - lots of other LOs don't have them or if they do, have particular brand/type.

How about a tub of bubbles (nice idea), some crayons and a small notepad, some stickers (you can get name stickers if you want something personalised), a small book (cheap in Asda or Tesco), a cheap small photoframe (from pound shop or similar), a small ball to roll back and forth, a small soft toy (again from pound shop or similar) etc etc.

You're very organised!

Valentine Xxx
For the bags at Arianna's 1st party I put in:

A tub of bubbles
A balloon that once blown up had Disney Characters on it
A ball
A pack of the mini jammie dodgers (lunchbox size)

Errrmmm there was more but I cant remember!!
Thanks for the suggestions, love the idea of raisins or organix instead of a choc bar....will most certainlly be doing that!!
You could dip fruit in melted organic dark/plain chocolate, a better sweet alternative, though most babies love raisins :dance: or what about homemade ginger bread men, you could personalize them and keep them pretty healthy, it is a party bag, there should be some sugar in there somewhere :lol:

I'd swap dummies too, for balloons or baby shades/glasses or something else, unless you know the babies have dummies, Isaac has one but it's not something I'd personally give as a gift :think: Babies love magnets too, you can get no end of those personalized, ebay's a good place to get ideas I find :lol: Have fun deciding!!
and i no so many babies that dont like orthodontic dummies , leland hates the shape of it , but think youve said youve already ordered them ? suppose the mums could keep them as keepsakes ?
Yes I've ordered them already, I didn't really get them with "use them" in mind, I doubt my LO will use his since he's not having them as often now and with more and more teeth arriving I'm staring to ween him off them. Anyway just thought they were cute with their names on them that was all.

Paradysso, thanks for the link it's a lovely site.
lukes mate for his first birthday had bubbles, pack of milky buttons and a bath toy/bath book. i also put one of those wiggle snake things in too young to use it of course but the parents had fun with it!! they also had a bun (which was part of his birthday cake)
Ive been thinking about this too as we are having babies and older kids at Jakes party. For the babies Im buying a set of mini board books, one for each bag. Something along these lines


Then maybe a little squirty bath toy each too
Nicola your so organised!!!

I would say maybe some bubbles
colouring book, or some crayons possibly.

Pound land would be a great place too look as its so cheap and have lots of kiddies stuff!
Love the mini board book idea.....and I have bought bubbles, there in blue tubs with "Happy Birthday" lables on them in boyish colours!! :)
Im doing bags for OHs cousins at the christeneing and Im just gonna go ( like mrs tommo said) down to poundland. Get bubbles crayons colouring book a little toy and some snacks and anything else that I spot :D

Im sure they will love what ever you put in there
Thankfull I only have to do 5 bags so can spend out a little more on them as it's mainly family/close friends that are coming, Godparents etc, etc. I'm sure when LO has his birthday parties in a couple of years time and my garden's filled with 20 or so small boys I'll be doing the whole poundland thing too to fill the bags out, sounds like you can pick up heaps of kids stuff in there. Will have to go look, I've been before but never bothered looking at kid stuff because I've never had a LO before!! :)

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