Part time maternity allowance etc


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
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Hi all,

We are just trying to work out how we will be financially with a little one joining us...

I currently only work 20 hours a week over 2 days as i'm at university 3 days a week my income for work is about £450 a month (6.30ph get paid for 19 hours)...
My partner works full time and earns around £16,000....

I would like to know the following...

a. Will i be entitle to Maternity allowance as a part timer?
b. What benifits would we get and how much?
c. I would like to stay at uni but not go back to work unless we really really need to do you think that would help or hinder us?
b. With regards to childcare are we entitle to any free?

Thanks all, sorry about all the questions we just want to be as prepared as possible!

:) xx
a. Will i be entitle to Maternity allowance as a part timer?
Have you been working for the same employer since before you got pregnant? If so you will be entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay. You won't get Maternity Allowance as well as this. If you have not been with your employer since before you were pregnant but have worked (by the time you go on maternity leave ) 26 weeks out of the last 66 weeks then you would get Maternity Allowance.

b. What benifits would we get and how much?

After baby is born you would get Child Benefit (£18 a week) and Child Tax Credits (you'd get at least £20 a week, you may get more). I don't know whether you're entitled to Working Tax Credits. Your SMP will be either £117 a week or 90% of your normal weekly earnings - whichever is the lower amount.

c. I would like to stay at uni but not go back to work unless we really really need to do you think that would help or hinder us?

Do you mean would you be entitled to more benefits? No, you wouldn't because you are choosing not to work. Your OH would get a reduction on his council tax as he'd be the only one at your address who had to pay. It's possible you'd get a fraction more Tax Credits but your SMP would stop. Tax Credits are based on your household income so your OH's pay is taken in to consideration.

b. With regards to childcare are we entitle to any free?

You may be able to claim contributions towards childcare through Tax Credits. It won't pay for all the childcare though -I think someone said it covers a third but to be honest I have no experience with this.

Have a look here for information:

Look through the stickies in this section as they are there to help.

I've not seen Moss for a while :think: If you see her around ask her for advice as she was/is in a similar situation.

I hope this helps!
Would like to add that students with dependants can get more student loans/grants and help towards childcare but you'd need to speak to your uni. xxx
Thanks everyone! All this information sure does help us prepare! :)

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