

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2012
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So I had midwife last week and baby was right up high and the wrong way, Tuesday at work I was getting really bad pains all over my stomach and could hardly move. Wednesday the girls I work with asked me if I had a bigger uniform because I looked smaller, Wednesday evening I felt horrendous so went to the hospital. Found out there baby had dropped and was luckily the right way but really low down (1st baby, 31weeks) they did take it easy today and I did, luckily it was my day off! And now I'm getting really bad pains, she's not moving but the pain feels like period pain, holding in a pop and a wee all at the same time! They have been hurting more as the evening is going on. They are happening every 10-15minutes and lasting between 30-60 seconds. Just before they happen I'm getting a feelin of huge pressure in my foo, like I new to pee there as then but I definitly cannot have any pee left in me, then the pain kicks in, which is followed by lightheadedness and feelin like Im going to vomit!! What's happening to me?!?!?? X
Definitely definitely phone midwife or triage whoever it is you have there. Not to panic you at all but that's how my labour started.

It could just be because baby has finally dropped it puts more pressure on your bladder and bum as well.

Hope you're okay x

Spencer David Wilcockson 28/2/2013 6lbs 3.5ozs
Oh gosh, I'm quite nervous! When I was at the hospital last night they put that horrible metal thing in and swabbed me - massively painful, but they said "it's not open" guessing they meant the opening was still shut! I did have a bit of a strop earlier, ran up the stairs had a good scream and cry! Maternity leave/pay is stressing me out and it's all started after that, would that have caused any problems?:/ will the hospital be annoyed for me going up again? I don't wanna waste time :/ but not sure how quickly things can change. Just went for a wee and when I wiped it was like after a cry snot on the tissue, the clear stringy stuff, it's not normally like that. Ohhh gosh I'm nervous!!xx
Oh gosh, I'm quite nervous! When I was at the hospital last night they put that horrible metal thing in and swabbed me - massively painful, but they said "it's not open" guessing they meant the opening was still shut! I did have a bit of a strop earlier, ran up the stairs had a good scream and cry! Maternity leave/pay is stressing me out and it's all started after that, would that have caused any problems?:/ will the hospital be annoyed for me going up again? I don't wanna waste time :/ but not sure how quickly things can change. Just went for a wee and when I wiped it was like after a cry snot on the tissue, the clear stringy stuff, it's not normally like that. Ohhh gosh I'm nervous!!xx

I would ring the hospital, don't worry about them being annoyed that is what they are there for xx
Defo phone L&D even iffor reasurance but think they will want to see u..x
Don't be worried about wasting their time that's what they bloody get paid for! They annoy me with their attitude sometimes!

Definitely phone and tell them everything including the discharge. It could just be that your cervix is irritated with the exam that they did x

Spencer David Wilcockson 28/2/2013 6lbs 3.5ozs
Def ring them & good luck, hope ur ok! Let us know how u get on or what they say xx
Hi everyone! I gave them a ring and they suggested lying in left side for an hour to see if it stops an having a hot bath. I did both and they cramps calmed down so I didn't go up. They seem to have eased off a lot today, just a little cramp now and then but nothing lasting longer than 10seconds and they are completely random so hopefully that's all passed from yesterday! Going to take it easy again today and hope work isn't to busy this evening!! Thank you everyone :) x
The pain had stopped, but now it has started right back up again. I went for a wee because when I got up from the sofa I thought I'd pee'd myself a little, I hadn't, just a fair bit of discharge! When I wet to the loo, there's was nothing there but I till felt like I had a really full bladder, and felt like I should have a poo but again nothing there! Tummy was hurting but I thought maybe that's because I was sat down, but when I stood up the pain took my breath away! It's not a cramp as such, more like a stabbing pain low down, it so sore! I'm really not sure what it is, I don't think she's on her way, I can imagine you'd be pretty sure if what your feeling was labour? Could it just be pain? Been quite stressed these last 2 days, could she be mad at me for that? So unsure!!!x
I did have all this the other weekend and I ended up putting the blame on baby engaging or something as the pain disappeared after a day of hell!! If it carries on though and you're concerned, phone up - I was 37 weeks so would've welcomed labour but bit early yet for your baba! X
Haha, thank you! It really would be too early for her to come out! I'll leave it today then and see what it's like tomorrow, hopefully it will stop like yours did! :) thank you :) xx

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