I think I'm about 5 weeks - and every time I sneeze (which seems a lot lately) it hurts as in a sharp pain across my tummy low down. Anyone else get this?!
Oh god i don't miss that at all. Just like a really sudden pain that goes as quick as it comes? Its round ligament pain. Even though its very early things like sneezing and turning in bed suddenly had me in agony i thought there was something seriously wrong but that's all it was. I still hold nottom of my belly when I sneeze waiting on it! Bending over or holding bottom of my belly helped
Good to hear it's not just me. Now you mention it I remember the whole pain on turning at night thing when I was last pregnant, just don't remember getting it sneezing! Thanks for your reply xx
I'm 6+5 and started getting that this week, more so when I cough than when I sneeze. I curl up in a ball when I feel like I have to cough, it tends to help.
I had this from about 5 weeks and only seemed to ease around 14 for me! Turning in bed was the worst thing though! agreed with the above, hold the bottom of your tummy when you feel the sneeze coming as it helps a little xxxx
Thanks so much for all your replies, you have put my mind at ease I had a mmc earlier this year so was hoping it wasn't something more sinister! I never had it sneezing before but I don't remember sneezing so much last time! Xx
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