pain in the bum!


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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No polite way of asking this, but has anyone got any twinges up their bum?!
All through my pregnancy i've been getting twinges and odd aches in my tummy, which i'm assured is all normal (and scans so far are all fine) but every so often i get one that feels like its right up my bum hole!

Please tell me i'm not the only one.....AND i weighed myself today (big mistake) and i've put on 5lbs!!! Now i KNOW any baby doesn't weight that much. I just feel so porky and bloated at the moment, and can't even seem to hold my tummy muscles in anymore. Very depressing as i only got married in May and had spent so much time at the gym shifting those extra pounds, and now i'm back over my heaviest!! None of my jeans do up comfortably, so i've always got my button undone, like some mad woman who does up her pants with string!
Hmm piles perhaps?

And bloating is normal. Good old water retention when PG :roll:
I've had lots of twinges and sharp pains all over down there :oops: Mine always ends up being wind :oops:

Don't worry too much about weight hun! I haven't weighed myself but I feel a LOT heavier! Most of it will be water retention at this stage I know I feel like my tummy is proper full of water. :hug: :hug: I have got an elastic band round the button of my favourite jeans :oops: but I am comfiest in my matenity jeans - already :shock: :lol: Don't worry hun this is the one time you shouldn't have to worry about sucking your tummy in :hug: :hug:
I haven't had pains in the bum, have been told im a pain in the bum tho does that count :lol:

im bloated... put on a pair of jeans that normally fit me and they were digging in! dont worry about the weight that ya putting on hun it will even itself out im sure! xx
I've always had pains up my bum now and then, like a needle going right up. I put it down to probably having ibs. I've also got a broken tail bone so I always have lower back pain (i'm falling to bits!).

...but as ever, if youre worried check with your doctor. :hug:
HollyHobby said:
I've always had pains up my bum now and then, like a needle going right up. I put it down to probably having ibs. I've also got a broken tail bone so I always have lower back pain (i'm falling to bits!).

...but as ever, if youre worried check with your doctor. :hug:

God i could of wrote that!!!! :hug: :hug:

I have ibs and when i get a pain coming it feels exactly like a period coming its horrendous and does feel exactly like someone shoving a knife up there and you can sit down cos you get a shooting pain. Ive broken my tailbone or rather my darling daughter did as she was born quickly and back to back.

It could just be your bowels and intestines going into spasm love as the pregnancy hormones relax the gut leaving you constipated which causes the pain. also your insides are all on the move getting ready to make way for your growing baby :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well i broke mine falling down the stairs last october and i had piles at the time just to make it worse :rotfl: a month later we got married and i was in agony! thought the pain must be3 fr4o9m p0i8le3s e3ve3n tho9u7gh the3n co9u7lnst se3e3 any, w2e3nt thr4o9u7gh loads o9f cr4e3am

w2hats hap0p0e3ne3d to9 my ke3ybo9ar4d!!!!

sorry about that some letters are also bringing up numbers - have to backdelete to remove them :|
Thanks for your replies. Just to add to my endless list of twinges and aches, last night i had a really quick sharp pain on one side, right behind my hip bone where it juts out at the front. Obviously in my usual worrisome way i worried it was my appendix, but now it just comes and goes. Only thought i had was round ligament pain, but surely you don't get that til much later on?

God i've never been so obsessed with every little weird ache and pain. Oh, and can someone please tell me, WHERE THE HECK HAS SUMMER GONE???!!!

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