Ovulation Question


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2016
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I know that all women ovulate at different times in their cycle, and it's not strictly between cd14-17 etc. But once you know the rough time you ovulate - is it always the same time every month?

I used opk's last cycle and got a strong positive on cd19&20 followed by cramping, but this cycle those days have come and gone and having negative opk's and no symptoms. I'm annoyed because we've been bd'ing the most this cycle so thought we stood a really good chance - but as far as I'm aware I haven't ovulated :( started opk's on cd10. Feeling meh!!
Not always it depends on if you have regular cycles or irregular. Mine tend to change quite a bit
Not always it depends on if you have regular cycles or irregular. Mine tend to change quite a bit

I think I'm still figuring out my cycles, I was on the pill for 10 years - it took 7 months after I stopped for my first period, then they stopped for 3 months, then I had a 33 day cycle, an mc with the cycle after, a 31 day cycle and now I'm here! So I guess I need to wait longer to work it out....I hate waiting!! :wall2: xx
Even if your cycle length is consistent there is no guarantee you'll ovulate the same day every cycle.
I thought I ov'd cd14 or 15 every month - but this month I got a positive Opk a few days early! I would definitely have missed it if not using opks earlier than usual. I think hormonal fluctuations and things like stress & illness can all alter your 'normal' cycle.
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Nope, mine is usually CD10 naturally but I've ovulated as late as CD14 (especially when taking supplements or fertility drugs!). My luteal phase is always 14 days though.
Mine is anywhere between CD11 and CD 100+, so can vary a huge amount!

It is possible to have the occasional wonky cycle even if you are usually regular. Or maybe you have just missed your surge and ovd overnight or at a time you haven't noticed. Hope it sorts itself soon for you :)
Brill, I feel much more reassured now that things aren't going wrong hehe. Thank you all :D xx

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