Ovulation/pregnancy question


New Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Hello all,

Sorry if some of this makes no sense but I am bloke and don't understand all this very well lol

Me and my partner are trying for a baby and a few confusing things are happening and Katie is spending most of the day staring at ovulation and pregnancy tests going crazy cos we both want a baby so much. Anyway, Katie did a few clear blue ovation tests around 28th of last month. They said she was ovulating, sadly i was away working but we did sleep together right up until I left so we had our fingers crossed. Then the pregnancy tests started when I was back. They came back negative but if i worked it out it was a little early but I really don't get all this. Katie then did a test each day and on a few said there was a faint line, now I believe there isn't a line and the ones I think she maybe she's right she took apart and I think that had something to do with it. She hasn't had her period however the ovulation text is saying she is ovulating. How is that possible? Just done a preagancy text and ovulation test and the pregnancy test is negative and the ovulation is possitive. I am so confused, any help would be great

Thank you
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Sometimes your body gets ready to ovulate but doesnt releace an egg, so your body will try again - So DTD (do the deed) just incase.
Also you can get positive OPKS (Ovulation tests) when you are pregnant... Some women get positive opks before Preg tests.
Thats all I can think off, maybe the other ladies can help :) x
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Hey, I do this, I think my body struggles to ovulate so I have numerous positive ov tests through the month! I went to the doctor and they are referring me for a ultrasound to check things are working :) Maybe do the same? It'll be piece of mind at least
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Us women do like peeing on sticks! Lol as said before its a good idea when first trying to do tests to find out the best times. I hope it was a faint bfp a line within the time is still a line but evaps (evaporation line) are common. Positive ovulation around period times are a good sign though if she's normally regular

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