I "usually" have 26 day cycle (currently 2 days late) but my positive opks are there on cd 13 so probably ov on cd 14. BUT everyone is different and I would recommend using opks to get into ur own cycle routine, and ^WSS....start them the first day your af is completely gone just to cover all bases xxxx.
I agree with starting early as most sites etc say you ovulate 14 days after AF and will be due AF 14 days after OV...Which is only true if your luteal phase is 14 days - this can be shorter, so using an ovulation kit will help you pinpoint your cycle a bit better.
I'd also recommend starting early. The last thing you want to do is to miss it - only once a month after all!! I used opk twice a day, from day 10 and it turned out to be a good job I did as I got a opk+ at noon, then by my second test at 5pm it had gone. Mine came along two days earlier than "standard", so if I'd have waited I probably would have missed it.
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