Our first fertility appointment???


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
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Hi ladies,

Firstly, I don't post much on here as Im trying not to obsess but you girls are always so supportive I'm really grateful for the responses when u do.

We have our first fertility appt tomorrow and just wanted to ask if anyone can share their experience of what I can expect?

We have been ttc for 9 months and i was lucky enough to be referred last month after I was diagnosed with pcos, I've only had one lot of 21day bloods done which were extremely low and my male hormone was mega high, wanted to get another load done before this appointment but my last cycle was a whooping 54 days so my day 21 will be this Saturday :(

This journey is so disheartening and I'm gutted we've had to get help with something that should be natural but at the same time I'm so grateful help is available and hopefully we won't wait much longer for our bfp.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!!

Thank you!!

Hi, my first appointment was basically a long chat to get all our history, check what tests we'd had done and we were sent for further tests. On our follow up appointment, we got all our results and were told what was next.

Hopefully it won't be long before you're on some form of treatment.


All the best for your appointment hun. :hugs:

x x

I have been to see my Gynaecologist but wasn't much help if I am truthful. I felt quite upset and emotional and reallyu angry afterwards. I was told I was way too fat to have children, and they wouldn't even consider giving me chlomid until I loose 4 stone!! So you think yeah thats easier enough done, but I have really bad degenerative arthritis which needs treating, but my Consultant want treat it until i've had a baby, so with the amount of pain i'm in its hard to do exercise as I like to loose the weight!!

BUT, It is making me work really hard to loose the weight. Because as long as I can prove i;m on the track of loosing weight they will give some blood tests.

But atleast I kind of knew where i stood, even if i wasnt happy with the outcome!!

Good luck and hope you get the outcome you would like.


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