Opks is this right? HELP NEEDED


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2013
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We had a positive opk on early sat am (time of day doesn't seem an issue for opks with me bizarrely) and another on saturday pm. Blazing, blazing positives. By sunday morning, totally faint, so suspect I ov-ed Sunday? Is that right? I've not used them before this cycle but the posisitves were like nothing I've had before in this month..... Had ewcm from thurs to yest and today it's definitely cloudier and stickier (sorry, tmi!)

We dtd thurs am, fri am, sat am and sun pm. I'm knackered.... Do I have to hop to it tonight too?!
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Can i just check with anyone that the timings are right in terms of how i used the opks?
Hi Louise
With u on the knackered front. I had 3 flashing smiley faces then my solid last week so we dtd those 4 days. By day 5 hubby and I both requested the nite off!!

Good luck hun,
Ahhh thanks hun... i am reading so much conflicting info on the whens and when not tos..... I understand its betpst to get a good supply of swimmers erm, up there, in advance, and then go go go on the day of the pos and next if you can.... Provided I ovd when i think, sunday, thats what happened, but lots of people seem to say it's the three days AFTER the first pos that matters. My Lh surge only shows for 24 hrs though so I think that would only apply if you have a longer pos surge etc.....

God, this is like science class learning about all this :)

Here's to being knackered Nel! Xxxxx
Like you hun I was totally and utterly confused with when I ovulated and the best time to dtd at the start! But now im on my 15th cycle I've read as much as I can and spoken to my doc so I now just go with the flow.

Have you read "The impatient woman's guide to getting pregnant?" Its a great book. Here she talks about having sex the days leading upto ovulation, so as you say, so you can have a supply of the little guys "up there", and I must admit I do that! She also talks about having sex prior to ovulation, with the 3 days prior being the best time to try and catch the egg.


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