OPK's help


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2014
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So I've heard you should hold your wee for a while and not drink when using an OPK, I tried that today and my wee was still very diluted... I'm not expecting to ovulate until next week anyway, but I'm concerned I'm going to struggle to get them to work for me, as today I drank a lot less than usual.
Hiya, I also drink loads. I have my best results at about 4/5pm after not drinking since about 2. My pee is often quite diluted but I just use the cheap opks and they work fine for me. I usually have no line at all, or a very faint line, then suddenly get a positive (which is fairly unusual for someone with pcos as they often have higher lh levels). You can get different sensitivities of opk too, so you can experiment with those if you aren't seeing any results.
Hi hun
I've just got my positive Opks today
I normally try to hold for about 2 hours but it doesn't really matter too much as they show positive anyway even with diluted wee
Really hope you get your positive soon sweetie

Thanks for the responses. That makes me feel better about it, so if I do ovulate at least I should see something even with my diluted wee. :)

Thank again and good luck this cycle clover
No problem sweetie really hope you get your Bfp this cycle
Keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you :)
Oh and post pics of your Opks if youre unsure if they are positive
I've been using them a long time but it took me a while to get used to them
These were mine today

10am & 1pm


I will do, thank you :)

At the moment there's nothing on them so obviously negative... but I'll post as soon as there's a trace of a line lol
For a positive result, are you looking for the test line to be as dark as the control line?
Yes I am, but I haven't had any line at the moment... so not even a question as to whether its dark enough or not
I haven't had a line yet either; worried I might miss it if/when it happens
Yeah I feel the same way. I suppose we have to look out for other signs as well, although if we are using the OPK's right they should eventually show something.

I'm using them as an indication as came off the depo injection in October, so not sure if my cycles have returned or not. Had a bleed last week but don't know if that was a period or just a bleed... hoping next week the OPK's will show positive and at least I'll know my cycles are back up and running

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