opionions plz ladies


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
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Hello lovely ladies

I was wondering if any of you have experienced any or some of the following symptoms before. Also these are not my usual beforw af symptoms.

Extreme (for me) hunger, like every couple of hours
Pains across the back, and top of stomach and feeling a sick when hungry.

Normally before af i want raid the crisp bag or chocolate box. But rhis is proper needing food. Yesterday i had breakfast, and then lunch and supper withing 4 hours of each other, that is not normal for me. Also feeling dizzy at times. Not 100% sure when af is due to having irregular periods. But just wondered if anyone had experienced this before? I appreciate any and all replies. And sorry for the long post
How long has it been since your last period and have you tested?
Hey there, af ended 1/1/16 and ovulated 24/1/16. I havent tested yet, as my af vaires due to pcos. Not sure if i shud test to see or not. Thats why i thought i would ask incase its all in my head again.
Hopefully it's a good sign! Obviously everyone is different so it's difficult to tell... Just have to wait and test :/ good luck! x
My fingers are crossed for you sweetie, decently good signs!
I've had like a stitch pain in my side all day, very painful. Been to see the doctor tonight, either pregnancy related or my gall bladder. He gave me gaviscon, see how I go in next few days x
Oooo fx for pregnacy related. Xx
Thank you. Got some asdas own brand hpt will take 1 with fmu in morning. Fx
Took a test and it was bfn. Will hold off doing another one. Will just wait to see if af turns up, which am sure she will. Thanx ladies
Hey there ladies thanx again for the replies. As i posted i took a hpt and got the usual bfn. However i think i have figured what was wrong. I am on a diet so the fertility clinic will consider me for treatment. And i came to the conclusion that i was burning more calories thand what i was taking in or not eating enough. I guess i just hoped that i was pregnant so we didnt have to continue down the fertility treatment road. But hey ho. Congrats to rhose who are already pregnant and fx for thos still trying


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