One dpo feel out already!


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2012
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After positive opk on Sunday we dtd, didn't manage yesterday and I'm guessing today will be too late? I think I may have felt ov yesterday morning, every little twinge or pain being noted!
Probably unlikely to catch egg first ov since MMC,I was still spotting lightly on Sunday, still hoping though.
Anyone else want to wait with me? My lp has only been about ten days for years, sometimes less! X
There's plenty of chance that you caught it if you bd'ed on Sunday and ov'ed on Monday. A few of the ladies seem to have gotten a bfp straight after a mmc recently. I've got my fingers crossed for you x x x
I'll join you, got a positive opk today so will probably count thurs as 1dpo x
You have just as good chance! If you read about ttc a specific gender it says to have sex 4 days before Ovulation and then stop for a girl!! so a day before should be fine! :)

good luck ladies
There's still a chance, a book I've been reading says 2 days before ov is good as there should be something there to meet the egg. I hope it's true, got my pos this morning and we last dtd on Sunday and dh is away now. Good luck x
I had my smiley yesterday and again this morning so I'm probs going to count today as ov day unless I feel something obviously ovulationy tomorrow. Have dtd fri, sat, sun, mon and I'm going to try and persuade hubby for a last gp tonight (or a softcup donation if he can't)...surely that's enough' I've read the same book and statistically more get their bfp from dtd 2 days before ovulation! Good luck all of us xxx

so I can't see charts and signatures.
That's good to know the day before is good too, wish I'd got a few more in before but was spotting so didn't think I'd ovulate.
Oh it would be amazing if it works! Good luck ladies xxx
Still plenty of chance.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you xx

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