OMG we're having babies!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2011
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Ok silly title I know... But it really hit home yesterday

I had a bleed, fresh bright red blood, not much but enough to promptly put a pad on to monitor it, pad was clean but Noah stopped playing ball with my insides ... That got me worried, now being 24 weeks (eeeek) I now have to phone labour ward - they asked blood type and if any pain (only tenderness) and asked me to come in

So I arrive at the labour ward and I'm in a waiting room with heavily pregnant women about to pop- I can hear women making noises and hear babies crying and see little incubators and it hits me any time after the next 14 weeks I will be here again (hopefully not sooner!) and I will be one of these women and my hubby will be pacing the corridors/ slumped in a chair trying to kip- it was so surreal I was actually a tad bit jealous of these women getting to have their babies today :)

By the way they checked my cervix and it was closed no sign of blood, took a smear, urine sample and checked heart beat all is ok I am badly dehydrated and have a bad UTI (on 2 grams of cefradine a day) but all is (fx) good

In the ward I was on they had another woman strapped to a Doppler machine, such a loud echoing heartbeat :) then my very quiet little tinny babies heart beat lol

Anyway since them he's moving around again phew!
Glad all is ok with your little bubs and that your UTI is getting sorted :) xx
Glad everything is ok with the bubs and you :)

I have these 'clarity' moments every now and then and then panic that we don;t have enough of everything!!!
glad all is well, omg i know its still not sinking in yet, i bought some clothes the other day and was thinking oh my how small is this little person, such a surreal moment x
Glad everything is ok furbaby! Ha, I know what you mean I can't believe in 15 weeks or so I will have an actual baby! WTF?!!! A wee little person! I genuinely don't have a scooby what I'm doing! Aaaaah!! Can't wait though..... :lol::lol:xx
Glad everything is OK, so crazy to think that that will be us soon enough.... x
when i think im 22 weeks thats like 16-18 weeks, doesnt seem long but saying im having thislittle one in june feels like ages away xxx

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