OMG the pain!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
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I am in agony with my back. I think its either a trapped nerve or sciatica. I can hardly walk from one end of the room to the other and i have a right hobble on.

I feel so bad because OH has gone back to work today and because i am in so much pain i can't manage looking after Jacob. I have had to ship him off to the childminder :cry: i already feel like i am neglecting him without sending him packing, poor little boy :( I simply can't lift him and run around after him. I have a friend coming to help out tomorrow tho.

I have had to stop BF'ing Lucas so i can take some major pain killers, but they only just take the edge of :(

Feeling rather sorry for myself, can you tell xx
Aw mrs :hug: It's totally understandable why you feel like that, have you spoken to a doctor? I hope it clears soon x
the doc just give me pain killers, one lot make me feel sick and the other lot make me feel drunk! xx
I know exactly how you're feeling! x I suffered for years from what the doctor kept saying was sciatica. Eventually I saw a new doctor and he sent me for an MRI scan and it was discovered that actually I have lumbar disc disease. I suffer like this every day so my heart goes out to you! I feel so guilty because I can't do the things I want to do with DD. It breaks my heart. I'm scheduled to have an operation after having baby. Before I was pregnant I was on really strong painkillers for the pain and obviously now I'm on nothing! x x Id say keep going to the doctors, don't be fobbed off if the pain doesn't get any better x I wouldn't want my worst enemy to suffer this x x big big big hugs x x
Aw hon, what a shame that u r in so much pain. I don't have any experience of back pain to offer but can say you are not being unfair to Jacob at all so don't feel bad - he;ll have a great time playing with his friends at the childminder. Hope you get an answer and are free from pain soon xxxx
i know how your feeling hun!

im in the same boat and all they can do is give you painkillers that basically knock u out!

im getting referred to the physio, maybe/hopefully your doc will do the same for you.
the worst part i hated was going to the loo, it was agony to sit and even more to get up!

hope your feeling better soon xx
:( You poor thing, is it down to the birth? :hug:
i don't know mamfy, i did have a bad back at the later stage of pregnancy and i would hobble just after getting out of a chair but since the birth it has got 100 x worse.

Apart from the bad back i honestly feel like i could run a marathon. My moofy isn't sore, the after pains have stopped, i don't feel tired (because Lucas in an angel lol) so its just a shame that this has happened. I'm looking forward to it getting better so i can go out and about and show off my boys and my new double buggy :lol: xx

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