OMG! Child Tax Credits backdated?

nope i've not heard of it, but if you do get it backdated then you'll be entitled to LOADS!

good luck!
I tried to get my tax credits backdated and even though it was technically their fault they still not would backdate any further than 3 months. You do have the right to appeal but I wasn't in any fit state to do this due to depression. They do say to claim the 3 months initially cus that can be authorised by less senior people but more than that has to go through different channels to be decided.

I was advised to put the request in writing and send it registered post so it has to be signed for so that you have proof of sending/delivery in case they try to be awkward!!!

Mine's a pint if you get it... good luck!!!

Sarah xxx
I only just realised the same - plus as I'm single and only on SMP this year, I'm entitled to working tax credits too!!

I'll get the 3 months backdated, and after that will have to ask for consideration to backdate it further.

Apparently saying "I didn't know I was entitled to it" isn't enough, you have to give a good reason!

I'm thinking of "well my child was born in April and I really wasn't thinking about it at the time of April May :)

Whaddya think? Good enough reason? :rotfl:
If I was you I wouls take my forms along to citizens advice and get help with the technicle stuff.
Sometimes you just have to keep on at these people.

Good luck.
I am waiting for my mine which is 3 mths worth already which is about £50-60 per week.

Imagine if they did backdate your all that way :shock: :shock: :)
I know, I'd be well happy! :cheer:
We are only entitled to £10 a week but that works out to £800!
The first time I got mine backdated about 2 1/2 years!!! I got over 5k.

This was because I sent off my forms then forgot about it. It turned out OH needed a proper NI number but we'd put his temp one on the form (cos he's not from the UK) and they never got back to us so I figured we didn't qualify.
My case is different obviously cos we were on their records.

Is it too late to say you sent your forms off ages ago? ;)
Blimey Urchin 5k! I bet that was a happy happy day! :cheer: :cheer:

I've already said on the phone that I didn't know I could claim it (I'd never actually heard of it! :lol:) Might they have logged that? :think: I'm such a bint, I could really do with £800 at the moment, OH's car is on its last legs! :lol:

mummykay..............what did you say to get all yours backdated hun?
They will definitely backdate it 3 months for you

I had a nice £600 deposited in my bank account two weeks ago :)

That's paid for a holiday for me, Lewis and my parents for a week in somerset next year :)

I've also got a pending WTC payment of £1400.. which they won't pay till they are sure I've hardly earned anything this tax year! (bloody handy being off for a whole financial year I tell you!!!)

oh, not to mention the fact I get a lovely £150 paid into my bank account weekly now to add to my measly SMP :D
i only got the 3 months backdated but its worth doing definitely helps :wink:

we get £40 a month and it all helps :dance:

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