Olympics start on Friday - Do you care?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2008
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The Olympics start on Friday in China 08/08/08.. but are you going to be watching?

I'm really not interested in The Olympics at all..The only way it will effect me is that i'll have to watch BB on a diff tv than hubby so I probably won't see him for the 2 weeks that its on!
No thanks. My OH will try and get it on the telly but not if i have my way.
i dont mind the olymics but cant stand long distance running :sleep:
I'm not watching them, they have nothing to do with me and i don't find them particularly interesting
I'll watch the odd thing... all depends on the event
I like some of the events. eg diving gymnastics weight lifting, but as these are not the "main" events and because of the time difference there will probably be absolutley nothing on the highlights shows about them
Never watched it, and don't mean to - not my sort of thing, plus we don't have a TV anyway :roll:

I'd probably watch some equestrian events (if they have those in the olympics? Really, I'm clueless) if we did have a TV, but only as background noise.
I won't be watching any of it. DH might watch the odd thing. xxx
i'll def be watching the equestrian events :)

OH will prob want to watch the athletics, cycling and swimming.

i'm not exactly a fan, but i do like to support people competing for our country - i get quite patriotic about it (i don't support our overpaid and underperforming footballers though :talkhand: )

i have issues with china on a political and humanitarian level, but i'm trying to keep that separate from my opinion of the olympics as something that brings the whole world together in a friendly sort of way.
Dont watch them find them boring :sleep: :sleep:
mind you thats coming from somebody who likes watching Golf
I do enjoy some of it. I love the swimming and gymnastics most :D
I wont be watching it i will be getting ready for my hollies yippeeee
I like watching the gymnastics, but i don't go out of my way to watch them, i just don't turn it off, if it comes on!
i love the olympics and will be glued to them. am hoping to take the girls to the london one
There are some sports i like to watch, i remeber watching them all too well as stephen hadnt long been born and i have this strong memory of watching kelly holmes winning her second gold medal and i was feeding stephen ad leapt off my chair screaming and he started to cry lol!

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