old Wives tales


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2016
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as the weeks come and go and we get closer to the end of tri one, i cant help thinking about what i think my bump will be a boy or girl.

do any of you believe in old wives tales? do you have a gut feeling of what you are having?

ive been googling old wives tales and i have bits of both i have the dry skin meaning a boy but then also the spots which they say is the girl taking its mums beauty... etc etc

my gut feeling is a boy ill be happy either way im just dying to find out what colour my jelly bean is!
I had a gut feeling girl due to how sick I've been but then I had a dream that it was a boy. I'm going to do the wedding ring test when I can be bothered lol.
i dont have a wedding ring :( everything points to a boy with mine, with the lack of sickness, ive had nausea but no sickness, my mam had terrible sickness with me but nothing with the boys. im craving salty things which is also a sign according to the wives tales, yellow pee, and my hair growth is really quickly all over my body!

just dying to know
Lol my pee is yellow but that's down to the extra vitamins and dehydration lol. Plus I was awfully sick with my son too but not this bad. I think any ring will do. It's not like it's a scientific test after all lol.
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aww i hope its a girl for you so you can have one of each!

i might try it haha x
It would be nice buy after our journey I don't care lol. With my son I thought it was a boy the whole way through until I actually went into labour then considered it might be a girl... my first words to my son? "Girls don't have those!"
I was also so convinced I couldn't make something perfect that I kept trying to find his defect and after a 24hr labour whilst hallucinating (ty codine) I finally settled on the fact he had 10 toes on each foot which I could live with lol. I was so baffled when I realised he had 10 toes in total lol.
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The Chinese gender predictor says a girl. I was craving salty food only until recently and now I need a good mix of salt and sweet, but the only sweet I like is fruit, so if I go with the first craving it would be a boy. I wasn't given the baby's hb at my early scan and my doppler doesn't give a readout, but I attempted to count as I listen and I estimate over 140bpm, which indicates a girl. I've had acne, no major zits or anything, just small bumps all over my forehead, which now seem to be going away, but I guess that indicates a girl.

Who knows? As long as the baby is healthy, I don't care. I do want to find out though. Some of these old wives tales crack me up.
haha - some of the wives tales are funny, but i find myself doing them to try and tell.

i guess its all part of the excitement!
What is the ring test? What others are easy that I can have a bash at? I had a go at the Chinese predictor, I did it on two different websites and one said girl and one said boy... So they are hedging their bets then lol!
Attach the mom-to-be's wedding ring to a thread
Have the mom lie on her back
Dangle the thread over the expectant mother's belly
Allow the string to move without interfering with the motion

If it goes back and forth it's a boy if it goes round and round it's a girl
Iv got three boys already and had no sickness at all with this pregnancy I have had and still got 24/7 nausea and regular sickness so that's 1 reason I'm thinking a girl and also I have a gut instinct girl also so we shall see xxx
OK if we are doing this let's do it right lol

#1: Heart Rate
If the baby’s heart rate is above 140 bpm, it is said that the baby will be a girl. If it is under 140 bpm, then it will be a boy.

#2: Shape of Belly
If you are carrying high with a big, round belly, you are having a girl. If you are carrying low with a smaller belly that sticks straight out, it’s a boy.

#3: Ring Test
Using a string, hang your wedding ring over your pregnant belly. You are having a girl if the ring swings back and forth and it’s a boy if it swings in a circle.

#4: Acne
If you have acne while pregnant, it’s a girl. It’s thought that acne during pregnancy is caused by the extra hormones.

#5: Cravings

People believe that if you are craving salty or sour foods while pregnant, you can count on having a boy. If you crave sweets, fruit, and orange juice, you are having a little girl.

#6: Skin under Left Eye

The eye test is when a “V” or “branches” appear when you pull down the skin under your left eye. If you see a “V” or “branches” in the white part, you’re having a girl.

#7: Time of Conception
The person that is most aggressive/doing the most work in bed at the time of conception is the opposite of what the baby will be.

#8: Legs
If your legs get really big, you’re having a boy. If your legs stay in shape and lean, it’s a girl. I think it’s too early for me to tell on this one.

#9: Moodiness

If you are really moody, you are having a girl since you have another extra girl hormones in you. Your pregnancy will make you smile and be more happy if you are having a boy because there’s a little penis inside you.

#10: Chinese Gender Chart

The Chinese Gender Chart claims to have an accuracy rate of over 90%. It is based on how old the mother is at conception and the month that she conceived.
There are lots of these I used this one: Chinese gender prediction

#11: Mum’s Beauty
Basically you are having a girl if your beauty disappears during pregnancy. It is said that the girl “steals” the mother’s beauty. If you think that pregnancy has never made you look more beautiful, a little boy it is.

#12: Dream of Sex of Baby
If you have dreams that you are having a boy, you will have a girl. If you dream about having a girl, it will be a boy. Dreams show the opposite of what you are having.

#13: Clumsy vs. Gracefu
If the pregnant woman is graceful throughout her pregnancy, she’s having a girl. If she becomes clumsy, she’s having a boy.

#14: Side You Most Rest On

If a pregnant woman prefers to lay on her left side, she’s having a boy. If she prefers resting on her right side, she’s having a girl.

#15: Dad’s Weight Gain
If the dad-to-be gains weight while you are pregnant, it’s a girl. If he doesn’t gain weight, you’re having a boy.

#16: Breast Test
If a pregnant woman’s left breast is larger than the right breast, she’s having a girl. If the right breast is larger, it’s a boy.

#17: What Do You Think?
71% of the time, the mom-to-be knows what she is having.

#18: Morning Sickness

If you had a smooth pregnancy with no morning sickness, it’s a boy. If you were sick or felt really nauseous during your pregnancy, count on a girl.

#19: Areolae
If your areolae (the part around your nips) have darkened, it’s a boy. If they haven't, its a girl.

#20: Protein
When a pregnant woman craves meat and cheese, count on a boy.

#21: Feet
Are your feet colder now that you are pregnant? If so, you just might be having a boy. If your feet have stayed the same before pregnancy and during, you’re having a little girl.

#22: Headaches
If you are having headaches, you might be carrying a boy.

#23: Baby Names
It is said that when you can only think of specific names for a boy or a girl, you will have that particularly baby.

#24: Urine
What color is your pee? If it is bright yellow, you will have a little boy. If your urine is a dull yellow, plan on a girl.

#25: The Linea Nigra
That ‘dark line’ that has appeared on your bump is apparently the key to working out whether you’re carrying a boy or a girl. Rumour has it that if the line continues above your belly button, you’re having a boy. If it finishes below your belly button, you have a girl bun in your oven.

#26: Your Head Hair
If your hair is thick and glossy you're carrying a boy. If it's dull and limp it's a girl.

#27: Your Body Hair
If it's growing thick and fast expect a boy. If it's normal expect a girl

#28: Your skin
If it's dry and flakey expect a boy. If it's silky and glossy then it's a girl!
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My battery is now low so I'll do them later x one for my son (so I know the answer lol) and one for this baby. P.'s. If anyone can find 2 more it would really satisfy my ocd lol
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This baby
#1. Heart rate: Unknown as yet
#2. Belly shape: girl
#3. RIng test:
#4. Acne : boy
#5. Cravings: girl
#6. Left eye: boy
#7. Conception : girl
#8. Legs: girl
#9. Moody: boy
#10. Chinese : girl
#11. Beauty : girl
#12. Dream: girl
#13. clumsy: boy
#14. Side: boy
#15. Partner: boy
#16. Breast: boy
#17. Think: girl
#18. Sick: girl
#19. Aerola: boy
#20. Protein: girl
#21. Feet: girl
#22. Headache: girl
#23. Names: girl
#24. Urine: girl
#25. Linea nigra: unknown (don't have one)
#26. Head: girl
#27. Body: girl
#28. Skin: girl

Total girl: 17
Total boy: 8
Total unknown: 2
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Exciting, I'm going to have a go at these, although I guess a lot of them are meant for you to be further on.
I had a feeling mine was a girl simply because of the sickness. I wasn't like this with my son but was with one of my losses which was a girl. Some people are the same in preg regardless of gender but I just had a feeling. With my son, we could only settle on boys name and with this one, we could only think of girls so that one is accurate for me.
I don't really believe the old wives tales but it's a bit of fun to try and guess :) xx
Exactly, we have been doing the ring thing in my family for years. My sis is a pro. Although she got it wrong for me but she always used to get the string out lol xx
Lol. We tried the ring it went round then straight then round the straight so who knows lol

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