Old Wives Tales


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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I don't really know many, one or two people have come out with

'You are having a boy because you feel so nauseous'

'You are having a girl because you are crave salty foods.'

I imagine there is no truth in any of them, but I wondered if there
were any others?
with Ellie i felt sick as a dog all the time.
I ate a lot of sweet things and i had a huge high bump

around the same time my cousin was pregnant, also ate sweet things and had a huge high bump. i had a girl, she had a boy.
i think the only way to know is a sexing scan or wait till he/shes born. there are so many old wife tales about telling the sex that they contradict each other.
Happybunny said:
'You are having a boy because you feel so nauseous'

'You are having a girl because you are crave salty foods.'

I've never heard the salty food craving means your having a girl before :think: But I went completely off anything sweet or sugary when I got pregnant with Tia, and it stuck afterwards and this time, I've just wanted to put salt on every food that's gone in my mouth... !!! and guess what we think its a girl (Proper 3D confirmation on the 25th of Oct)..

As for being nauseous, I didn't get that nauseous with Tia, except around fag smoke, and this time... OMG have I been sooooo ill... so that's not true either... Theres tons of rumours... Don't believe any of them.. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
i love old wives tales!!!!! :clap: but of course dont take a word of it seriously

I read one something like, if you sleep with an apple under your bed, you'll have a girl :fib:

and another if your bed faces north, its a boy :fib: :fib:

i think you crave whatever your body needs, not depending on sex.

its still good fun guessing though and of course its 50/50 chance of truth! lol
i read one ages ago that said your pets will can sense when your preggers and will either stalk you or completely avoid you. lol. Id get excited when one of my cats got on my lap, od be like "oooh, maybe im preggers!"

Its a load of cack tho. :rotfl:
My MIL used to tell me not to cross my legs, because the babies cord would get knots in it! lol

and also, not to drink castor oil, as it makes the baby too slippery for the midwife to catch! I used to crack up when she gave me "advice"
That's funny about the cats Sazzylou! One of ours who never normally gives me the time of day has been on my lap every night... hmmm....
sazzylou said:
i read one ages ago that said your pets will can sense when your preggers and will either stalk you or completely avoid you. lol. Id get excited when one of my cats got on my lap, od be like "oooh, maybe im preggers!"

Its a load of cack tho. :rotfl:

my old dog knew with each of my first pregnancies - he became really defencive of me and took to sleeping next to me - both ended in miscarriage and when I lost the babies he went back to his usual mad self - sadly he died after the second miscarriage so I never got to see how he was with children :(

I craved citrus with my 2 boys and pancakes with my girl - this time i am craving both!! greedy or twins?

bad heartburn is supposed to mean a baby with a good head of hair! :lol:

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