Ok Stupid Question time :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
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How do I tell I am having a contraction?? What does it feel like?

As a 1st timer I have no idea how to spot one!, the last couple of days I have had a lot of pressure down there and some sharp pains but not what I would deem tightenings.

My friend said that I would know if I was contracting but what if my body is different to hers and others, what if it just doesn;t care that it's tightening!!

Like I say stupid question alert...
Not a stupid question at all BellaRiven and one I am also keen on knowing the answer to...... I get little sharp pains from time to time but they are only about 4 seconds long so I don't think that is a contraction but I'm not sure what I should be looking for! x
Mine was like period pains in waves. They came first very lightly to the point I didn't notice and were ages apart and then got worse and worse and closer and closer until I felt like I'd got food poisoning and had terrible cramps x

Mum of Owen. Born 11/7/11 @ 19.17pm weighing 7lb 12 oz :)
I'll be honest, I didnt know my contractions were proper contractions, The only way I can describe them is that your bump goes really tight. I thought for ages that it was just baby moving round and was uncomfortable because he was getting bigger, lol! Mine weren't regular at all either but did get more painful, only realised they were real when I went to the labour ward and they said I was 6cm dilated! It seems obvious now that they were contractions but at the time I didn't have a clue! Xxx
i9m glad someone has asked this because i was wondering the same... i often get really bad period pains and tightenings and a fair bit fo back pain recently x
Mine felt like there was a muscle running right across my bump and during each contraction the mucle got tighter and tighter until it peaked and then released. It felt like this all the way through even from the first one. The first ones were just alot shorter.

I think it varies from person to person how they feel tbh. Ive heard alot of people describing them as period pains at first but I had nothing like that, then others will purely get pain in their back.

But it really is true that you'll just know when its happening. Its all very strange but brilliant.
Hey hun...
In my opinion like people have said above, You will just know when they are contractions lol. Its something that cant be mistaken for anything else.. Thats just my opinion though xx
I'd say that too - you do just now, maybe not as early as some people, but you will.

My labour started on the sat (irregular contractions that I was aware of) but I was out dancing on the Friday night and a nursing friend kept asking if I was ok - big I thought I had just overdone it. I was making plans to be dancing the next week. Lol

But by sat it was obvious that wasn't gonna happen.

Also I has painful BH throughout and I was worried I wouldn't be able to tell the difference - but there most certainly is!!!
Mine felt like there was a muscle running right across my bump and during each contraction the mucle got tighter and tighter until it peaked and then released. It felt like this all the way through even from the first one. The first ones were just alot shorter.

This is exactly what my contractions felt like! I couldn't have described it better myself! Completely different to Braxton hicks as my BH (though sometimes a bit sore) didn't hurt and didn't peak like contractions.
I felt the contractions in my back too because of how he was lying.
Good thread! Keep thinking ooh that's different but it's not a contraction! Xx
I was in labour for 5 days with my 1st, it kept stopping and starting, when you get the real contractions you can't mistake them, you can actually feel the baby moving down and for me it felt like she was coming out of my bum.

I was absolutley terrified with my 1st as I didn't know what to expect, if I had known then what I know now I would of enjoyed it a bit more and not panicked as much.... I think :whistle::lol::lol:
Thanks for the replies ladies :)

I keep getting pains and then I fart and it goes away lol (sorry TMI) I think I am over thinking things.......

Contractions for me started in the early hours and they felt like a period pain. They came every 5-6 mins at first and lasted 30-40 seconds then got more intense, lasted longer and came quicker.

I had these pains for a day before I was officially classed as in active labour, I.e over 4cm because baby was back to back.

After the waters went they stepped up a notch and got worse and worse. I don't think there would be any mistaking them at that point!
I was waiting for the 'peak' in the pain and thats when I knew they were real. Mind you I didnt really think twice - I just knew! I had my first contraction at 8.47am lol... Sad that I remember!! Lol xxx

It is actually a good question , when I had my first I was having very mild uncomfortable pains all evening and it wasn't til something in head clicked and I realised looking at the clock I could predict when the next one was coming then I realised they were not random but regular and I was in labour 4 hours later he was born.
If you can stop the pain by moving position it is not labour. As someone has already said needing the toilet can be a similar pain . xx

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