OK so today I started CLOMID!!

maybe baby

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Hi Girls,

Well I'm back, I was gonna have a break but I realized that I'm not actually stressed with TTC, last month apart from the OV and the London drama was pretty stress free it was just the fact that my selfish SIL got preggers with a 4th that they can't afford with terrible timing due to my Mum and Dad separating etc that I was stressed but I'm over that now, I have said all I wanted to say to her, as I was biting my tongue as their family puts a huge financial strain on my parents and that has contributed to the break up so I have not held back and have said exactly what I think!!

So following on my crazy life I'm not going to Barbados now, I'm off to Egypt, we saw some good friends in Tesco and they told us they were going away to Egypt the same week and they said it was 80 degrees, and the weather in Barbados is rainy still so we thought why the hell not??

So I go to egypt on the 26th which should be around OV for 10 days!

I've had my first 50mg Clomid today and I have a scan on the 24th CD13!

Good luck maybe! sorry about yoyr SIL and your parents :hugs: sounds like SIL is not being very sensible

Ive been to egypt twice and loved it! always great weather, where in egypt are you going?

I hope the clomid does the trick hun :)
Sorry to hear about your tough family situation :hug:

What cycle day are you today?

Can't believe you are bombing off to Egypt.....lucky sod!

Are you ready for the hot flushes?? xxx
Good luck Maybe :)

Egypt is one of my "must go to before i die" places. I'd love to see the pyrimids and things.
good to see you back hunny, have a great holiday and good luck with the clomid cycle :hugs: xxx
Thanks guys!! :)

I'm glad I didn't take the 100mg, bloody hell the patient information is scary!!! I'm feeling fine so far, I'm always crazy and hormonal so I'll hopefully stay the same lo!!

It better bloody work I'm painting the nursery!!

Well I'm joking but I'm painting the room that will be the nursery as I'm getting new carpet, I guess it will save a job in the future, i've painted my victorian fireplace french white, I'll post a piccy when I'm finished!

lol! I literally :eh: when you said you was painting the nursery :)

I've been so tempted a couple of times but i want to have something to look forward to or else the 9 months will draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag ;)
Lol! I knoww!! I'll do a mural, that can take up my time!! :)

Hope you're OK Lou, I'm praying so hard for you Hun, stick with the FRERs they can be trusted, what DPO did the clinic say to test??

Hope the clomid works for you maybe xx
Hope you're OK Lou, I'm praying so hard for you Hun, stick with the FRERs they can be trusted, what DPO did the clinic say to test??

18DPO lol :roll: In a week.

Saying that it is a weekend though, i think they would have said 16DPO but it's a Saturday :)

I've tried reading up on placentas and producing hcg to try and understand why it might vary but i just can't find anything specific enough.
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Good luck maybe, your holiday sounds fab im mad jealous :eh: hoping the clomid does the trick for you :dust:
Good luck lovely xx

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Good luck- hopefully you'll ov in Egypt and the rest will be history!! I've been to Egypt a few times and it's fab, as long as you don't get a dodgy tummy! You going to Sharm? Hope your hot flushes are out of the way before then xxx
Ohhhh I am jealous I would love some winter sunshine!!

I hope the clomid is kind to you and doesnt cause to many icky side effects!!

Am sorry to hear about your folks splitting up I know it can be rough, my parents went through a really messy split 6 months before my wedding and it does have a huge impact on you regardless of how old you are. If you ever wanna chat I am hear for you xxxx
good luck maybe very jealous bout the holiday have an amazing time xx
Good luck x x and enjoy!

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Thanks Everyone!!

I go next Saturday, I have my follicle scan on Thursday next week, OV will be around next Saturday so hopefully a nice warm chilled 2WW will do the trick!

Vicky sorry you've been through the parent thing too, it sucks doesn't it mine were together since they were 14! Hey not long til your OP, and OP 2WW isn't it?


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