Ok, personal question...


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Dtd...what's the most comfortable position for you?

I'm a bit nervous as not dtd since before I found out I was pg. midwife said today that it is the best method to try get things moving. So want to try.
My dear husband thinks its weird and refuses to come near me. I will remember it when babies out and he wants some loving.

sorry i carnt help :0)
I have to say i dont find any position comfy at the moment :(
Wish I could help but DH has been too nervous to touch me since I got BFP this time around. I have been telling him that it's the best way to get things moving once I'm full term but doubt that'll make a difference! If you find a good position - let us know!
Spooning has been the best way for me in the small number of occasions I have put out lol
I found sitting up on top was best for me, off sex for 5 more days though :-( this really helped with ny first aswel x
On top is best for me at the momentbut if your doing it to try and get bubs out maybe try being on all fours as that also helps open your pelvis up
we always spoon, we did that a fair bit before tho too lol my OH still goes on top sometimes too but that is getting a bit too hard to do so in general spoons works for us :)
Spoons and doggy with a pillow under bump so the weight doesn't pull on my back :)
Spooning and on all fours were the most easiest for me :) x
anything other than doggy is fine, I find things go a bit too...deep if I do it that way. Maybe cos I'm so far along now I dunno.
Spoons!!!!!! Although OH likes being on top it's far too uncomfortable and I've set him the mission of thinking up other positions but spoons is deffo the most comfortable for my bump and back. If it's been that long hunny make sure you get loads of foreplay to relax yourself first xxxxxxxxx
I agree wih the other ladies - spooning and on all fours:)

Good luck! Hope it Get things moving for you!

Either on top with my legs closed and in between his (kind of reverse cowgirl affair!!) or on all fours with a pillow under bump and under my boobs. Anything where I don't have to open my legs cos of the SPD is ok. lol
Thankyou everyone. Just finding it impossible at mo. :-( Really getting us both down.xx
You know when we were ttc I hated sex because it seemed like all the romance had gone out of it. It became so clinical and business-like. Now I am pregnant we are discovering again why we've put up with each other for the past 13 years. Maybe just some exploration of each other again and not thinking about bringing on labour will help.

You are a beautiful woman doing what nature intended you to do. Celebrate your womanhood, pamper yourself and make yourself feel gorgeous and then swing that man from the lamp shade :D xxxxxxxxx
When we do (not often) as I'm not that keen he stands and I go on the edge of the bed. Best way I have found it. But like I said we haven't done that in a while poor boy.
You know when we were ttc I hated sex because it seemed like all the romance had gone out of it. It became so clinical and business-like. Now I am pregnant we are discovering again why we've put up with each other for the past 13 years. Maybe just some exploration of each other again and not thinking about bringing on labour will help.

You are a beautiful woman doing what nature intended you to do. Celebrate your womanhood, pamper yourself and make yourself feel gorgeous and then swing that man from the lamp shade :D xxxxxxxxx

I agree hun. We have been so into each other recently as Jase seems to find me most attractive at the moment being pregnant. We often just have snuggly sessions which start as kisses and cuddles and touching and sometimes leads to sex but sometimes leads to us dozing off in a contented sleep. We are trying to enjoy that private closeness before baby comes cos we know we won't be having sex for a good while because of bleeding, c-sec recovery and baby. xxx

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