OH wont let me test till im atleast 3 weeks late for af!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2012
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Hey ladies, I think im on my 25th cycle of ttc....never had any signs of a bfp! So oh has now banned any ttc products after this cycle. Im pretty sure I ovulated either 23rd or 24th of july as got strong positives both those days and if I remember correctly we dtd both those days... its been a funny tww as havent had any symptoms so far.. im not sure when af is due im thinking maybe the 7th.. my dilemma is do I sneak out and buy a test or do I listen to my oh? I think waiting till im 3 weeks late is a bit much lol what do u think girlies? Xxx

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I'd sneak out! If its bfn then he never needs to know, and if it's a bfp he can't be annoyed !! Fingers crossed for you!
Seriously debating it lol will hold out a few more days... he is only trying to protect my feelings, as he thinks seeing a negative test will crush me... but tbh iv done soo many tests and seen so many bfns I think I can handle atleast 1 more... im feeling pretty good about this month :) xx

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Well that would make you 7 weeks pregnant by then! You would need to get booked in with a midwife asap after that so you get your 12 week scan date.

Personally I cant even wait till af due date, let alone 3 weeks after!
I'd test! Think of it this way...I had a miscarriage within 2 days of testing positive (clearblue digi), so if I hadn't tested I'd never have known. It was a weekend so by the time I went to A&E they just said it was my period lol! I'd never have known I'd been pregnant.

Good luck for that positive! x
My dh is the same. I got round it by buying some conceive plus that came with hpt's and told it was cheaper than getting the gel on it's own. He didn't seem to mind then lol
Providing af doesn't show I think im going to buy a test wed to do on thursday? Would I be far enough along for a positive test? Ill upload my ovulation tests I did on the 23rd and 24th xx

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I think that it is sensible to wait until at least the day your period is due to test. Statistically 25% of pregnant women do not get a positive result until they are late for their period. Testing early can give you an inaccurate negative or show you a chemical pregnancy that then doesn't implant. I wouldn't want to put myself through that sadness! Surely the longer you are late for AF the more likely you are to be pg. her arrival is the best test you can get! 3 weeks is just silly though, way too long. 1 week after AF is due is very sensible though xxx
I dont intend on testing till im officially late... so if no af by friday ill definitely be testing, I havent bought any tests yet! I think af is due tomorrow so fx xxx

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