Oh no not again


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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I am sorry u guys must find this so boring now
But I feel like crap today and since this morning I have felt really bloated and haven't felt baby hardly at all!
What if I have something that is gonna harm him I can't bear it! I wanna use the Doppler but I havent said to OH about not feeling him cos I don't wanna worry him.
Even after lunch and a cold drink he didn't move at all:-(

I went through this a few times last year, whilst carrying Esmé and was told to put a drink in the fridge/freezer for 20mins or so, so its ice cold (maybe also put some ice in it) and drink it. It was also advised you to be resting/lying down in a dark room. That should get the baby moving if nothing after 15/20mins call the midwife.
It's probably nothing, Orlando probably feels drowsy or rough like you do but best to get midwives to have a listen/check.
Use the Doppler Hun xx my LO has really lazy days still! X
I find that eating chocolate works within abotu 20 mins!! Bet he is just having a lazy sunday!!!
I told OH and as soon as he got the Doppler out the box Orlando booted me lol we still listened anyway he he

Lol glad you felt and heard him move xx
He is probably thinkin "mum, don't get the Doppler out! I don't like it!"
leandro was like that a few days ago. normally he kicks away when im eating (which is most of the time now hehe) but he was silent and i told oh i was gonna call the midwife the next day. as soon as i said that he started kicking but not much. now hes back to normal. think it the whole growth spurt thing cos people are actually commenting that i finally look pregnant lol x

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