Off sick and fed up


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2005
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Hi guys,

I have been so poorly the past two days i had to go home from work yesterday lunchtime. I feel awful and have a sore head, throat, dizzy and am generally tender all over. Even when baby kicks me its sore and usually i love every kick.

Can anyone tell me if when you get ill, does the baby get ill too? Everytime i cough my tummy contracts and she kicks back. I am worried i am keeping her awake and that she will be feeling poorly too.

After all the period pains i'm getting and pelvis ache i have a sneaky suspicion i'm not gonna get to 40 weeks. :(

Poor baby...
aw kelly.... put your feet up hun, have a big mug of steaming hot chocolate and just be good to yourself! i don't think it will affect your baby though, so don't worry about that.

get someone to run after you aand pamper you for a couple of days so you can snuggle up in bed or on the sofa!
I can sympathise with u Kelly. I had an awful nights sleep last night, kept waking up with my back & groin hurting,top of my bump hurting, being uncomfortble, needing a wee and then about 5 O'clock woke up in alot of pain which turned out to be a desperate need to use the loo every half hour & it still hasn't stopped now. Feel like poop (excuse the pun!)

I was meant to be meeting a friend for lunch but had to cancel & i've just had to cancel my midwife appointment which i'm really not happy about but just can't risk being more than 10ft from the toilet! Got an appoint. with my doc. next week as my midwife is fully booked until 9th March!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What good is that? :evil: I think its ridiculous.

Anyhoo Kelly, get plenty of rest, drink loads of water & O.J & I hope you feel better soon.
I was wondering if me having the trotts affects the baby and like you wondered if they feel pain or poorly when we do. If anyone could shed any light on this it would be much appreciated so I don't worry all day! :lol:

Oh hunny, looks like we are both as bad as each other! Just as Im starting to get better you get worse. I really hope you are ok! I dont think the baby gets ill, I had food poisoning a couple of months ago, and the midwife said the baby would not be affected.

We are due the same day, and both think our beans will come early!!How strange is that?! Get plenty of rest hun, and have lots of fluids, and watch TV all day!! Ive found it really difficult to rest throughout my pregnancy, and think it did not help my situation, when I rested in hospital for those few days I feel so much more relaxed now. Bean even grew alot during those days, so it just shows you need to conserve your energy. Make sure you OH runs around after you, and don't feel guilty!!!

Big hugs to you and bump ((((((hugs))))))

Love Jenny

I totally sympathise with you Kellysomer

I too am off sick - this is my 3rd week now and I could moan on about soooooooooo many things from my bad back (from falling down stairs - which I did a seperate post on!), constantly going toilet resulting in no sleep, anemia so on iron tablets etc etc - cant drive / sleep or sit properly because of fall etc etc etc

But we have to sit tight (lol) and get through it! I went physio today and they basically told me there is not much they can do for me until baby is here.

Have you tried hot honey and lemon? or a steam inhilation (not sure what oils are safe to use though)?

Hope you feel better soon

L x
I have the lurgy too!!

Been feeling really rough, headaches, cough, cold, dizziness etc. The kids have been off with it too which doesn't give me time to get myself well (sorry, so selfish!!) Harry should be going back tomorrow and Livi went back yesterday so I plan to sleep all day tomorrow and friday as thats what I feel I need to do to get it out my system.

I can really recommend (for blocked noses) the 'breathe easy nasal strips', it was driving me mad not being able to take anything and going to bed so bunged up and they worked a treat, made a huge difference.

Lots of love to everyone who is porrly - big hugs!!
lisa31 said:
But we have to sit tight (lol) and get through it! I went physio today and they basically told me there is not much they can do for me until baby is here.

Lisa i think you should go and see another chiro, i had been having chrinic back pain and went to my local one. He was doubtful if he could do anything because of the baby. But instead of lying face down on the table thingy he does my back with me sat in a chair. He has done wonders and there is no reason they should sort out yours. I spoke to two other chiros before him and they wouldnt touch me, i'd phone around and see what some others say. My back is now 100% better.

Aww everyones poorly! Sadly OH cant run around after me as he is working long hours at the mo to save us some pennies.

Got to just hang in there and see what the doc says this afternoon.

Jenny - What are we like, were a right pair. My plans for 3 children are definatly out the window after this one! One is it for me!!!!
Dunno if i dare venture in for the fear of getting one of the various lergies!!!!
Just wanted to say a big get better soon to you all, take care and rest up.
kellysomer said:
Jenny - What are we like, were a right pair. My plans for 3 children are definatly out the window after this one! One is it for me!!!!

lol kelly - me too! think one will be plenty - not sure I could do all this again. The latest pain is bloated feet and hands - lovely!.

With regards to the back pain - I went to see the physio (obestrics - something to do with the maternity dept I think!) because its my Cocyx I've done in, so there isnt much they can do anyway - being pregnant I dont think makes much difference - only the fact that I cant take really strong painkillers - its such a pain in the ass!!! :roll:

Never mind - not too much longer to go!

Hope the rest of you are feeling a bit better!

L x

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