Off pill year n half TTC


Jan 31, 2016
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came off pill year and half ago been with my partner 6 years. Periods were all over the place at the start but eventually have calmed down now.
Period started 8th January ended 14th January very normal flow. We had sex on 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 and 24th i did a pregnancy test on 25th
On 24th I started feeling very ill mornings are the worst I can barely wake up symptoms are...
Major headache
Hot an cold flashes
Loss of appetite
Blocked nose
Cough and bad chest
Feeling sick
Aches in back and ribs

I was just wanting to know if I could possibly be pregnant or testing to early or not at all.....
Testing on the 25th would have been to early.
Do you track ovulation?
If you have a regular 28 day cycle you will be due your period around the 5th feb?

Ovulation around the 22nd? So you would be 9dpo?

Therefore I would say it's a little early.

Do you chart or use OPKs?

They do sound like pregnancy symptoms. Most people can get a positive around 11dpo. Some earlier others not until after their AF is due. I would wait a few days and test again xx
By my chart I think I ovulated around 20 21st I think....I still have all symptoms today
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If you are around 10-11DPO you could try testing again? But it could still be too early.
I think it's always the more sensible option to wait until period is overdue as if you get a negative result now, there's still a fair chance that you could be pregnant but haven't developed enough of the hormones yet. Many people do find out early but I want to save myself the disappointment until I can be fairly sure of the answer. All this is far easier said than done of course as the anticipation gets bigger by the second. I haven't even wanted to test yet this cycle as I haven't been tormented with any symptoms in over a week so it's been so much easier to hold out x
If you can hold out that long I think its best to wait until your period is due/late.
Like Michelle said a negative now could mean it's still too early.

Good luck to you! :D

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