odds are pretty stacked agaist us but.....


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
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So far am still hanging in there.
Some may recall I have posted previously and to date have had 3 recognised miscarriages over the last 12-13 months. Its understandable as I have never been pregnant before and am now currently ancient at 44 years.
I have loitered for a few weeks now as so scared each time I post it ends in disaster, this one may yet do the same but as of todays scan all looks fine for 10-11 weeks.
I have had pretty constant cramping for the last 2-3 weeks and even passed small amount of brown blood this am, the consultant sais try not to worry, the bloods not really significant and the cramping is likely me being over sensitive to whats happened previously. That task is proving impossible! The morning sickness hit about 3-4 weeks ago and currently cant eat, think about food or discuss meals! But I am thankful for it and when it eases worry that this is a bad sign. Other than that very few other signs, not peeing more, not sleeping well (?stress) and boobs were sore but not so much.
I may well join the May thread but not quite feeling that brave yet, still scared as plenty of time for more problems.
Just felt I wanted to share, hopefully hear some positives from other older mums and prove that sometimes even when you think the odds are against you it can still happen.
I hope it goes well for you! I am 37 and due in December with our 3rd. We suffered a loss last year but this pregnancy has gone well otber than severe sickness at the beginning.
Unfortunately, I can't really give you comfort in being an older mum as I'm 10 years younger, but I just wanted to send some positive vibes your way. I'll be 35 next month and this is my first. My sister had her 5th at 41 and had some bleeding, but all was fine.

I really hope this one sticks and you get your rainbow baby. I know bleeding and cramping is scary, and even more so in your circumstances, but I have been spotting since I was 9 weeks and have had af-like cramps on and off the entire time. I had an early scan at 10+5 and all was good and my 12 weeks scan was positive as well. I hope it's just growing pains and irritation from the placenta growing and rooting in for you, which is what I've been told in my case.

Congrats and good luck. Sending you lots of good vibes. Hope to see in May mummies in the near future!
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Thank you both, its a stressful time tri 1 just hoping I can hang in there till tri 2 then deal with the added problem of the dreaded tests! Good luck both with your pregnancies x
Again I'm jot an older mum but I've had 4 miscarriage's since my son. feel free to come and join is in the may rainbows thread most of us have suffered recurrent miscarriage or baby loss we are all a nervous bunch. I'm similar to you my 10 week was fine but I'm terrified for my 12 week on Fri as I'm now getting some sharp pains but I'm trying to keep positive the sickness is a good sign x x or so I've been repeatedly told. MY teeth hurt so much today too. xx good luck hun x x
Again I'm jot an older mum but I've had 4 miscarriage's since my son. feel free to come and join is in the may rainbows thread most of us have suffered recurrent miscarriage or baby loss we are all a nervous bunch. I'm similar to you my 10 week was fine but I'm terrified for my 12 week on Fri as I'm now getting some sharp pains but I'm trying to keep positive the sickness is a good sign x x or so I've been repeatedly told. MY teeth hurt so much today too. xx good luck hun x x

I almost feel like I know you all there in that thread as keep checking it.....bit stalkerish I know lol. I may yet venture in but just happy to stay on the sidelines a little longer till I am more confident I wont miscarry again, thank you though.
Was told repeatedly to stop stressing and enjoy the fact I am pregnant, it will all pass by very quickly but I appreciate its not so easy especially after loss, every little hurdle I guess, hope it all goes well on Friday and will look out for the updates on the May thread x
Thank you x I'm havin a pessimistic day today. yesterday I was OK about it all. I just don't know!! wish we could have a home scanner!!
Thank you x I'm havin a pessimistic day today. yesterday I was OK about it all. I just don't know!! wish we could have a home scanner!!

I have those permanently, desperate not to go through another loss as pretty sure I wont cope :(
I have access to a scanner at work, I was called in at the weekend so arrived a little early so as to try, unfortunately as we are only dealing in veterinary ophthalmology the head was unsuitable and my belly was too flabby, would be so reassuring to have a daily scan though x
Lots of luck to you gesic.
Like Ery said, lots of us is May Mummies have had losses, come join us when you feel ready.
Its a positive sign that all looks well on scan. Cramping can just be stretching and spotting can be from a range of things, irritated cervix, where the placenta has implanted etc.
I know its hard to enjoy it after losses, we are all a chatty bunch in May Mummies and talk about loads of random stuff, its a nice distraction from the worry xx
Thank you x I'm havin a pessimistic day today. yesterday I was OK about it all. I just don't know!! wish we could have a home scanner!!

I have those permanently, desperate not to go through another loss as pretty sure I wont cope :(
I have access to a scanner at work, I was called in at the weekend so arrived a little early so as to try, unfortunately as we are only dealing in veterinary ophthalmology the head was unsuitable and my belly was too flabby, would be so reassuring to have a daily scan though x

Have you got a doppler? I love mine, nice to check in on baby xx
Lots of luck to you gesic.
Like Ery said, lots of us is May Mummies have had losses, come join us when you feel ready.
Its a positive sign that all looks well on scan. Cramping can just be stretching and spotting can be from a range of things, irritated cervix, where the placenta has implanted etc.
I know its hard to enjoy it after losses, we are all a chatty bunch in May Mummies and talk about loads of random stuff, its a nice distraction from the worry xx

Thanks, one thing I really could do with is distractions lol, I wouldn't care but I am normally so laid back, think my other half is getting fed up of me stressing out x
Its hard not to focus on it all and worry. I have been pretty good this time as my OH said from the beginning "Lets just enjoy it everyday, whatever the outcome". It took the pressure off in a way. Before that I felt that I wanted to be but I shouldn't just incase.
Have you got your 12 weeks scan booked, maybe you will feel better once you have had that? xx
Hi there :) I'm (only) 35 but everytime they ask my age I get an intake of breath and ohh that's old for a first baby. Well it wasn't for lack of trying lol and thanks for making me feel old! I hope you aren't getting the same!

As the others have said do come and see us in May mummies, we have lots going on to distract you from fretting every minute of the day, which is as always easier said than done.

Up until this week I have been unable to think that this could end in a baby, but then something has suddenly clicked and I'm now feeling much more optimistic. I'm over 13 weeks now and have never got anywhere near this far before. I think seeing little one at our dating scan has helped loads. I think the scan lady thought I was a bit weird as I just sort of lay there in a bit of shock! When is your next scan? Will that be your dating scan?
When you feel ready come and join us in May mummies. There's a few of us who have had recurrent losses so we can totally relate to exactly how you're feeling.

It's great news that your recent scan showed all was good :)

Fingers crossed for you hun.

Plus you'll get to read about why I'm going to be given the "look at that terrible mother" look o the school playground tomorrow lol :)
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I wish all the best for you and hope everything goes well for you xx
Wishing you all the best Gesic, I'm also 44 and got my bfp just this evening :) (I've had two MMC's & hoping this is my take home baby. (It was a shock as stopped TTC back in March but decided to try one more time in October as we were on holidays)
Things sounded very positive at your scan, it's hard not to worry but my consultant said last time that each pregnancy is unique & we just have to hope that a strong egg has met a strong sperm. Hopefully it will get more relaxing for you when you move across to Tri2 xxx
Clementine massive congratulations hunny! !!
Congratulations and very best of luck, it's really positive that things are looking good on the scan at this stage.

I'm also 44, had my first ever bfp end July but it ended in miscarriage. Hoping to join all you lovely rainbow baby ladies soon.

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