Obsessed crazy woman

Lottie Tobe

Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2016
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So I'm on my 4th month of ttc. Not long I know, I know many of you have been trying for longer, but it feels like forever as I'm sure you all understand - especially when everyone else I know seems to get pregnant straight away or by accident.

I convinced myself I had been getting timings wrong - but looking through my cycles I don't think I did. Having said that im confused as to whether I have my timing right this month and have to keep coaxing husband into one last try this month....it's never the last try!

Getting pregnant is ALL I think about. I know I'm driving my husband mad as its ALL I talk about...I'm crazy and obsessed and keeping staring add apps and cm like it has all the answers.

Also spent a small fortune on opk and pregnancy tests

Ttc is meant to be fun....but it's not.

Any tips out there for trying to make this less stressful?
We have all been there if not still there.
TTC is a mix of emotions, excitement, happiness and stressful etc. We have been TTC now for 4 years with a small gap.
The more you stress the more you may throw your cycles off track, try and relax and take each day/cycle as it comes. I am constantly peeing in a pot for OPKs. Checking my cervix and CM. OH shouts that I will hurt myself.
Dont think of DTD as a task or its being done to accomplish something, enjoy time with your partner and your body will relax ....

I'm similar to you; but I'm just waiting for my cycles to return so can't properly try yet anyway, but it's been 3 months waiting so far. I convinced myself I was back on track this month and I'm having signs of ovulation like loads of CM but still no positive opk and if Im right ill be ovulating on Tuesday so would expect at least a light line on them whereas I'm getting nothing but the test line :(
I'm right here with you, I have a box full of tests, preseed, thermometers, chart apps on my phone, evening primrose, grapefruit juice, preconception vitamins, working out days to dtd. I caught easy with my first 3, now I want our last baby together it's not happening. My age doesn't help I know, I'm booked in at the Drs in 2 weeks for tests as been trying nearly a year now. Maybe if I thought sod it and stopped obsessing it might just happen xx
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Thanks all. It helps to know I'm not the only crazy person!

It's actually starting to get me down. I wish I at least knew I ovulated then the whole 2ww thing is easier, rather than still plugging away just in case.

It's like you need a second mortgage ttc!

Donna you say cycles return to normal? Is that from the pill?
I'm exactly the same! I've got 80 opks left! and even though I may have had a positive a week ish ago Ive still been testing 3 times a day just incase!! its really bad! I don't temp because like others my kids are up at different times each day.

ttc is such an emotional rollercoaster! places like this forum can provide some nice reassurance. its always nice to talk to others who are in your position.

Hope you get your bfp soon hun xx
Good luck with your tests Lilith. Try to take some comfort in that you know you are able to carry and get pregnant. Fingers crossed for your appointment x
Yes the forum is amazing. I'm not a sharing type of person, but it's helped so much.
Aww thankyou Lottie, I'm worried incase I don't get a positive on the opks as this is my first time trying them, guess I'll never know unless I try. I wish you all the best too. Hey Crinkles, I have a feeling you might not need your opks anymore x
I'm totally obsessed too. I can't take a relaxed attitude however much I'd like to. I'm a woman on a mission!
From the depo so could take up to a year for them to return; but I keep having signs of ovulation which just plays with my head to be honest. I wish I could do a test which would say when I could expect them to return, even if it was in a year's time at least I would know what I was working towards.

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