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November mums


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2005
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Love to know whos due in November! Im due November the 19th.
Maybe any of us could end up in the same hospital! Im either going to be here in Torquay, Devon giving birth or in Amersham or Aylesbury Hospital in Bucks as im hoping to be moving back that way.
Love to hear from Nov mums-to-be!

HI, I know I will go early, I'm Due in Dec the 3rd and I know I will go somewhere from the midle of Oct- middle of Nov
hi I am due around 21st Nov, but had to be induced 10 days after the due date for my first baby so I'm hoping I don't get that again!
Hi Catherine

I'm also due on 19th Nov but that has yet to be confirmed. I expect it to be later though - don't know why really.

No scans or appointments yet so hard to tell for sure.

Hi ,

Im due 24th Nov but have my scan next wed so will find out for def!!!

Happy- havent you got your 12 weeks dating scan booked yet? Ive got mine next Tuesday and cant wait! making sure i bring enough change for the pictures!! having blood tests done today and hoping I might be able to hear the heartbeat to!
I feel like I might be a week further on than my due date but wont know until Tursday.
I havent had a baby before but for some reason I think I might give birth a few weeks before my due date.

Im totally exhausted at the moment, im always in bed! Everywhere I go I think im going to be sick.

Anyone have thoughts on what the babys sex is? I have an overwhelming feeling its going to be a boy! have no idea why as before I always wanted a girl first. I was even going to start buying boy bits the other day but my partner stopped me!
Hello again

I don't have my first scan till the 13 week mark so I've been booked for that since last month but have had no other contact with anyone else since my very first hospital appointment.

Also have the boy feeling - but I don't really mind either way. DH thinks it's a girl though!

My first too by the way.

what about your blood tests happy? they need to do those early!
I went to have mine done today they done 3 tubes they took loads!!
She done the heartbeat to, it took ages to find but found it deep in my pelvis so amazing and so fast! i couldnt help but cry! i want to buy a kit myself so i can hear it all of the time! so expensive though!!

love to hear how you ladies are getting on!
cat x
hello ladies
i am due 23rd nov, well i have got my scan booked for next thursday so should know for def then, i have had my bloods taken, i couldn't believe how much they took!!
i can't wait to have my scan just so i know that the little one is ok in there, i haven't even heard the heartbeat or anything yet!!!
am soooo jelous of you!!!
keep in touch
Hi November Ladies,

I'm due November 30th so I suppose I could easily have either a November or December baby. It's so cool that there are so many if us at about the same stage :) I look forward to getting very round with you all!

hi every1 ,

my baby is due 14th November. Had my scan, it was lovely seeing the baby moving bout. Have had a few probs this week tho, abit of spotting and thrush. Have been told everything is ok, but i still keep worrying.

take care kelly
ahh kelly
hope that was the last of it all
keep in touch
Hope your ok now kelly! Its great seeing baby on the scan makes it all feel real! Ive just tried to upload my scan not sure if its worked yet, i'll see when I post this message...........
Hello All ~

I am due November 27th ... However, my previous 3 were all c-sections, so I am scheduled for a November 16th delivery!! It is kind of nice knowing exactly when baby is coming.

Here in the U.S. it is typical to have labs and first scan around 7-9 weeks. Then a second scan b/w 19-22 weeks ... many find out the sex of baby.
I think this time we will find out. We already have 2 boys 10y and 7y and a daughter 5y ... the kids think we are having a girl, so we'd like to find out to help prepare them one way or another.

Of course, a healthy baby is what is important to me. I am 37y and had M/C 2 years ago at 8 weeks ... so I have been so excited to be pregnant again,but, also had scared feelings ... sometimes think the worst ... then I bop myself on the head, and say "snap out of it ... all will be OK, stop worrying and enjoy your pregnancy!!"

Anyone else, get worried at times??? I am sure that is a stupid question ... At this stage, though I have nausea, vomitting, tiredness, and breast sorness ... I know the syptoms are there, but, I don't "feel" anything inside my belly. I am still pottying first thing .... I used to get up around 4 am but, now fortunately it is around 7 am ... but I need to go right away. I am bloated at times .... I used to have a lot of cramping, but over the past 2 weeeks that has worn off. I will say I still get the nausea and vomit at times ... no particular part of the day either ... a sight or smell usually sets it off. As I type this, it makes me realize even more how pregnant I REALLY am ... These are all signs of a pregnancy ... So, I guess I should be thrilled with every ache, pain and nausea feeling I have. It is just validation that my miracle is in fact growing inside me!! YEA!

Well, I am counting the days until my 20 week scan. I know everything will be fine. My 9 week scan showed a very healthy fetus and sac and heartbeat was 172! ... all my labs were good too! Next week Tuesday I go for my check-up and we are suppose to hear HB!! Can't wait!!!

Thanks for letting me vent ... God Bless!
Congrats to all of you! Take Care!

ST- 2/27/68
DRT-10y boy 7/15/94
CJT- 7y boy 8/26/97
CET - 5y 11/23/99
M/C 8 weeks (D and C at 10weeks) 11/2001
blighted ovum (empty sac) 9 weeks (D and C 11weeks) 10/2002
waiting for miracle #4 November 16th 2005!!!!!
I'm not due til December but just wanted to say Hi to a fellow Devonian, I am just down the road from you, near Newton Abbot. My nearest hospital is Torbay, but I don't really like it there (had a bad experience with a foot op). I've heard they've got a newish maternity unit and they do visits on the 1st of each month, when I am a lot more further on I will go down and have a gander.
hiya! Ive been there once went for my scan the maternity bit is right at the front. They seem ok lady on the reception seemed a bit odd lol!
No the visits are the second monday of each month. Im not sure where im going to be here or in bucks so might pop along to check it out!
I went on bounty.com and foun loads of people that have been to the hospital they all seem to think the maternity bit was good.
Are you having a 12 week scan there? I had mine a week ago and was amazing! its £3 per picture i got 3. and my due date went back 3 days!
Nice to here from a preggy mum near me!keep in touch!
cat x

p.s hows your Midwife i have a lovely one but sometimes i see another lady but she doesnt make me feel at ease, she seems alittle cluless!. scared!!
That's good to know about the scan pics, I think I will be having my 12 week scan there though when I had problems the other week I went to Exeter to have the scan as Torbay said they couldn't get me in til the Monday (and it seemed like they didn't really care on the phone to my doc).

My midwife seems really scatty, but I've only met her once. I hope we bond better at my booking in appointment on the 7th June....
Hi I'm Christy. My due is Nov 23rd. I'm in the U.S.A so I had my first scan @ 9wk6d. Although I didn't get to here the heartbeat. I have a Dr appointment on Wed(14wk) so hopefully I'll get to hear the heartbeat then! I probably won't have another scan until 22wks because my next 4wk checkup will be @ 18wk. I'm so anxious to find out what it is. I already have a boy 7yrs so I'm hoping for a girl. I keep having dreams about it being a girl...but we'll see. I just hope my blessing is a healthly one!
Hey went to the Dr on wed and got to hear the heartbeat..167 beats! Pretty fast and exciting to hear. My Dr said @ my next visit 18wks that he will give a scan then and I will be able then to find out what we're having( provided the baby wants to give us a sneak peek). Anyone else know when their going for their scan?
s there no more nov mums out there i saw this post was at the bottom and thought i would bring it back up to see if any new comers wanted to join

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