Hello All ~
I am due November 27th ... However, my previous 3 were all c-sections, so I am scheduled for a November 16th delivery!! It is kind of nice knowing exactly when baby is coming.
Here in the U.S. it is typical to have labs and first scan around 7-9 weeks. Then a second scan b/w 19-22 weeks ... many find out the sex of baby.
I think this time we will find out. We already have 2 boys 10y and 7y and a daughter 5y ... the kids think we are having a girl, so we'd like to find out to help prepare them one way or another.
Of course, a healthy baby is what is important to me. I am 37y and had M/C 2 years ago at 8 weeks ... so I have been so excited to be pregnant again,but, also had scared feelings ... sometimes think the worst ... then I bop myself on the head, and say "snap out of it ... all will be OK, stop worrying and enjoy your pregnancy!!"
Anyone else, get worried at times??? I am sure that is a stupid question ... At this stage, though I have nausea, vomitting, tiredness, and breast sorness ... I know the syptoms are there, but, I don't "feel" anything inside my belly. I am still pottying first thing .... I used to get up around 4 am but, now fortunately it is around 7 am ... but I need to go right away. I am bloated at times .... I used to have a lot of cramping, but over the past 2 weeeks that has worn off. I will say I still get the nausea and vomit at times ... no particular part of the day either ... a sight or smell usually sets it off. As I type this, it makes me realize even more how pregnant I REALLY am ... These are all signs of a pregnancy ... So, I guess I should be thrilled with every ache, pain and nausea feeling I have. It is just validation that my miracle is in fact growing inside me!! YEA!
Well, I am counting the days until my 20 week scan. I know everything will be fine. My 9 week scan showed a very healthy fetus and sac and heartbeat was 172! ... all my labs were good too! Next week Tuesday I go for my check-up and we are suppose to hear HB!! Can't wait!!!
Thanks for letting me vent ... God Bless!
Congrats to all of you! Take Care!
ST- 2/27/68
DRT-10y boy 7/15/94
CJT- 7y boy 8/26/97
CET - 5y 11/23/99
M/C 8 weeks (D and C at 10weeks) 11/2001
blighted ovum (empty sac) 9 weeks (D and C 11weeks) 10/2002
waiting for miracle #4 November 16th 2005!!!!!