November baby!


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2005
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I am nearly 7 weeks pregnant, and very much looking forward to it! I am married and looking forward to being in the second trimester, as is everyone I think!

Would love to hear from others who are pregnant around 6-8 weeks.

Sarah x
Hi Sarah, and welcome to the forums :D

If you let me know your due date, I'll get you added to the Due Date Calendar. Look forward to hearing from you!

Best wishes,
Laura B
hi my names lisa im 21 and my baby is due on 14th november. im 8 weeks + 1 day! got sent home from work today for feeling so ill. cant wait til week 12 so all this sickness goes. x
Hi again!

Due to having pains in my left side abaout 3 weeks ago, I have just had my second scan today, and it was so releiving!

Pains have gone (UTI?) which is ggod and we saw our little babies heart beat today! Baby looked more like a butter bean, but they are meant to look like that at this stage! They measured it and it measures 5mm long!! According to this size, I am not has far gone as I thought I was, so I am just over 6 weeks instaed of over 7 weeks as I earlier thought, but again, this date could change again!

My husband and I are over the moon!
hi all,

I am due about 21st november. I am 34 and this is baby number 1!

No m/s here just very tired and sore bbs
Hi there Corcaigh (I suppose I should be Ard Mhaca to you if we're doing Irish place names)

I'm 30 with an EDD of Nov 19th (but I suspect that will change).

I've only told immediate family so far as I still think it's very early. What about you? How're things going in week 8?

Hi Happy,

Everything going great here. A little m/s in the afternoons from about 4 on, but not bad. At least I get work over with and am home! Don't have to mention anything there!

Have told close family and a few friends! Decided that even if anything did happen, these friends would know anyway so what was the harm in telling them! Can't wait for 4 weeks time, so that I can tell everyone!

Hope everyone else is doing well :D
Hi Noirin

I will probably mention it to a few friends too on the basis that they'll find out anyway if there are any probs which hopefully there won't be.

I've had a bit of evening sickness too actually (from about 6pm). I find I need to eat every 3 hours or so to alleviate it but can't manage the same size portions as before (whcih is a good thing!)

Any baby names in your head yet? I'll be going for an Irish name for boy or girl just short on the boy options but it's still early days - plenty of time to consider it.

Gotta get back to work now - no more skiving.

Chat again soon

Hi Happy,

Sinead for a girl or Conor for a boy, i am thinking. Just have to convince DH!!!

I'm also due on the 21 November, although this will probably change when I have my scan.
This is my second child and I never had morning sickness before, it sucks!
oh girls. i gave my doctor the wrong date of my last period and am only 8 weeks at the moment (i thought i was 12!). so my new due date is December 2005. Sorry x
Hi All, My Edd is Dec 3rd. That makes me 8wks and 4days 2day. I have had really bad m/s for about 3weeks now. All day everyday. I can't keep a lot of food down, The second i even think about food it makes me sick. I just wast the m/s to dissapear and I am sure I will be fine. Anyone else having these symptoms?
Hi everybody :wink:
We are expecting on 30th of November
How is your pregnancy going?
I am a bit worried about putting on weight - I know it's should be like that, but you know - when before pregnancy I was 43,5 kilo (i'm quite small) and now more than 46 (!!!) and it's only begining!!! It sounds a bit selfish - but I hope I'll manage to return to my size after giving birth.
I would really like to know hiw other pregnant woman cope with the same situation...
Take care!!!
Hiya all other November Mums

Im 40 (aaghhrrr) this is my seventh pregnancy but my sixth baby. All my others are grown up..and Beanie is due on 26th November. This will be DH first baby.

Feels like the longest pregnancy in history so far.

Looking forward to meeting u about the boards

Mwah x
Ragna xxxxxxxx

I am due November 21st with my first baby.
Baby, which is named 'Light Snack' at the moment was not planned, came as a bit of a shock as I was on the pill but hey, happy about it now!!!

Looking forward to feeling Light Snack move for the first time - worried Ive not felt it yet! :(

Still not sunk in properly and still too scared to buy anything!!! :lol:
hi im 13 an im bout 5 mnths gone
i fink babby is due round november time but i dunno
i avnt ad a scan or anyfing coz no 1 nos bout my lil babby
kayli + babby

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