Not settling


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Joshua seems to be fighting sleep all the time now. He ends up screaming non stop. I had him on my breast for an hour last night jus to get him to settle. But as soon as I moved him, he woke and started to scream again. I wind him, I change his bum, I make sure he is not to hot or cold. I don't know what else to do. Once he is in deep sleep, he is fine. Just seems like it takes forever together him to that point.

Any ideas what's causing this? I've checked his temp and it's fine.xx
2 words.... Bouncy chair!

Ours has been a godsend! Never fails to set Tyler off when on vibrate and we bounce it :)

Doesn't work. :-( swing, being in our arms, being in the cot, being on his play mat....nothing works. :-( its so not like him at all! I'm worried I'm not producing enough milk. Scared ill get told to do formula top ups. :-( I'm feeling really down about it all.x
When can you go clinic??

I'm pretty sure Ty used to only sleep on me a few weeks a go can't see ur ticker as on phone. I used to put the moses basket right at my feet when I was feeding at the 'correct' angle and put him in. Didn't always go down but did enough for my sanity lol!

Clinic is open Wednesdays. I'm going to phone my health visitor today and see what she says. Thank you for your tips tho.x
They go through phases like this, it can often be to boost your milk supply for a growth spurt. I often still feed for an hour at night and Im pretty sure its just for comfort but I think they need this too as bf is so much more than nourishment. Can you gently put your little finger in to replace your nipple then move to the cot? I keep Kynon close, skin to skin as i move him until I put him in the crib, i then put his blankie next to his face that i slept with and put my milk on a while ago to smell of me!

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Harry has always fought his sleep as he gets too over stimulated, I now take him away from stimulation when I can seehe is getting tired and I have a designated sleeping areas (he gets too excited to sleep in him chair or mat) and I put him down. SOmetimes I can just talk him to sleep and others I have to put dummy in (depends on how upset he has got)
At nights he was a nightmare but as he wasnt putting on weight I have had to start giving a bottle at night and although it upsets me to say this he is so much more satisfied with it and goes to sleep much easier at nights with it!!
I have a feeling it was all because of constipation. Realised he hadn't done much in the way of poopy nappies over the past 3 or 4 days. Then yesterday all day just constant full poop nappies. And now he seems alot more chilled out! Poor little guy.xx
Bf babies don't always poo very often and rarely get constipation. Ask jayceesmumma her LO pooed rarely! Unfortunately my LO seems to LOVE a poo lol!

HV said it could of been a growth spurt. Definetly not under fed though lol. Lil porker is 12lb 2 and a half ozs last wednesday. That's what my concern was so was good together him weighed as put my mind at rest.x
Sophie went through this stage and I used to put her in the moby wrap to settle her and then once she was in a deep sleep I would put her in her own bed

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