not allowed a 12 wk scan


Active Member
Aug 23, 2005
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Hi everyone. I was wondering if anyone can tell me when the proper time for your first scan is now as my midwife has told me that I won't get one until i'm 20 wks. As I had initial scans at 12 wks with both my other children i'm a bit confused as to why you now have to wait so long. Like every other expectant mum out there i'm dying to see my baby and to find out if there's one or two, i'm only 10 wks now so 20 wks is ages away! I did tell midwife that I'd had it earlier in previous pregnancys but she wouldn't listen. When i went in to see her at 8 wkls she refused to do my booking in stuff saying it was too early, and said I had to come back at 12 wks. This all seems very different from the way things were done 6 yrs ago, is this just the way things are now or has she got it wrong? :?
Hi Abbey

Whereabouts in Hampshire are you from?

North Hampshire hospital doesn't scan until 20 weeks, but Frimley does a 12 week scan. I was lucky as I was in Frimley area at 12 weeks so got a scan there and got another one in North Hampshire hospital at 20 weeks.

Seems to be huge discrepancies in antenatal care depending on your area.

I know what you mean though - I was desperate to see everything was OK at 12 weeks. At least you can hear the heartbeat that early though.

Hope your pregnancy is going OK so far.

hi LB, I'm in Southampton. The reason i'm questioning it is that i had my other scans at the princess anne hospital, which is my local maternity hospital so i know they can do them that early. It also struck me as a bit odd that she sent me away from my booking in app without so much as testing my wee! I think when I go back next week i'm just going to insist, especially since there are 3 sets of twins in our family and i've been suffering badly with sickness, which i never did before!
Hi ladies,

I'm not sure about your healthcare system, but in some countries the scan's arent covered until the 20wk Abnormality Scan.

It could, more likely, be a case of ethics and family history.

The 12 week scan is only for Nuchel Translucency. To detect Down Syndrome. Between around 10.5 and 14wks the foetus carrying that extra chromosone also carries a little extra fluid in it's neck, which the sonographer will be able to detect. Some doctors don't offer this as even once it has been discovered, there is a possibility of error - therefore leaving an ethical question... do you terminate the pregancy?

In most cases, a 12 wk scan needs to be requested and paid for by self as it's not regarded as a healthcare neccessity but an interest.

Hope this helps,

The 12 week scan is only for Nuchel Translucency.

This is not the case - at Frimley, the 12 week scan is a dating scan. You can opt to have a Nuchal Translucency scan if you wish, but you don't have to have this.

There seems to be a fairly even split between hospitals offering a 12 week scan (free of charge), and those not offering a scan until 20 weeks.

Hi Abbey i am 10 weeks too and using Princess Anne, i'd love to keep in touch as we are so very close.

I am lucky and have had one scan at 6+4 weeks, have one next monday at 10+2 weeks and then am having scans at 14 and 20 weeks as well. I had been under the care of the hospital already for fertility treatment (which i didnt need in the end) so think thats why i got offered more scans. My specialist told me Princess Anne wasnt too busy at the moment so i could have the extra scan Monday.

Would you like me to ask them on Monday why you cant have a scan now and if thats normal, i honestly dont mind. It seems to unfair that i get 4 and you get one and were at the same hospital. Where is Soton are you i'm in Hythe!

I am in Hampshire too and we only get one scan at 16 weeks, though when I get mine I will be 17 weeks!! Typical!!

It was the same when I had my last two 5 and 6 years ago.......not fair, its so hard to wait all that time without knowing if all is ok.

Love to all you Hants girls!!
I was lucky, i was given a dating scan at 12 weeks, but i did tell my midwife that i my periods were irregulor so i think that could be why!! but my midwife came to see my at my house when i was 8 weeks so seems strange why you were told to go away and unfair i think :evil:

I hope you get things sorted out, take care

Natalie x

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